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How do you tell if a guy wants to date you?

bewiseprof.com 2024/10/5
How do you tell if a guy wants to date you

If a guy wants to date or have you as a friend there are things you will see in that guy, and you will say “YES” this guy really want to date me. So your question now should be, “what are these signs or things you will see in a man and know that he want to date you” well my dear the answer to that is simple and I will tell you those signs to look at when you are with him. Now to give answer to the question. “How do you tell if a guy wants to date you?”

How do you tell if a guy wants to date you?

• Makes out time for you.
He will always try as much as he can to make out time to spend with you. Because he loves and have feelings for you he will always try to be close to you.
• Communication.
There will be strong communication between you two. He will always try to call you always, and when he talks to through phone he will not hang up the call easily instead he will prefer to keep talking to you because he loves you. Some men who loves you will even spend most of his day speaking with you always.
• He meet your friends.
Any guy that care about you and want to date you will love you to be introducing him to your friends. And will also try to love them too.

• Spoil you with gifts.
Any guy that love you will always want and try to buy you gifts or something no matter how small it is, he will always try to give you something. Because he wants to date you he will think doing so will make you happy and makes it easier for him to make you understand he is interested to date you.

“How do you tell if a guy wants to date you?”

• He takes you out.
Any guy that loves you will try to hang out with you and will not be shy doing it. So if he takes you out and he is also proud of you in public or the midst of people, then know that he loves you.

• He will introduce you to his friends.
If he really cares about you and wants to date you then he will introduce you to his friends and even family. When I mean introduce you I mean on his own without you asking for it. Guys love to show off their girl to their friends, so if he is interested in dating you he will do so.

• He won’t be shy to show his affection.
If he loves you and want to date you then you will know by the way he treats you, the way he shows you love, concern and care. All this will tell you if he loves you.

“How do you tell if a guy wants to date you?”

• He will be shy
If he is shy when he is with you then that is another sign for to know he loves you and want to date. Because some men do get shy even if is a bit, when they are with the woman he loves or care about.

• He will show signs of interest.
If he loves you and wants to date you. Then you will know with the signs and his character towards you. If you text him and he reply easily or you call him and he also calls back or pick easily then he wants to date you. But if he continue to miss your calls and always give you excuses then he doesn’t want to date you.

• He will tell you.
Yes he will tell you if he loves you and want you. Even if he finds it hard to do so, he must try to tell you. Guys don’t hide their feelings or shut their mouth up for you, so he must tell you in one way or the other.

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