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Report: New Jersey AG colluded with Planned Parenthood on ‘warning’ about pregnancy centers

lifesitenews.com 2024/10/5


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First Choice Women’s Resource Centers

(LifeSiteNews) — New Jersey Democrat Attorney General Matt Platkin had Planned Parenthood preview and revise a “consumer alert” against pro-life pregnancy centers whose work cuts into the abortion industry’s business, according to recently uncovered emails.

As covered by LifeSiteNews in December, First Choice Women’s Resource Centers sued Platkin over its efforts to force the nonprofit to “produce extensive documentation” without reasonable cause and under threat of punishment for “possible violations of ‘the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act’” in its promotion of Abortion Pill Reversal, a safe method of counteracting abortion pills by administering extra progesterone, the natural hormone mifepristone blocks, which has a success rate over 60 percent.

“Platkin selectively targeted First Choice Women’s Resource Centers based on its religious speech and pro-life views,” declared Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) at the time, noting that he “does not refer to any substantive evidence of wrongdoing to justify his onerous demands” but rather embarked on a fishing expedition in hopes of finding damaging material on an entity he politically opposes. In February, ADF filed a petition asking the U.S. Supreme Court to order a federal district court to hear the case.

On August 2, the Wall Street Journal published a new detail of New Jersey’s war on abortion alternatives: that a consumer alert issued in 2022 by Platkin’s office branding pro-life pregnancy centers generally as “seek(ing) to prevent people from accessing comprehensive reproductive health care” had input from a group with a major conflict of interest.

“Emails obtained through a public-records request show that the attorney general’s office asked Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, to preview and edit the draft consumer alert before it was issued,” the Journal revealed. “In addition to slamming pregnancy centers, the consumer alert urged women seeking abortions to check out Planned Parenthood’s website. The attorney general’s office and Planned Parenthood declined to comment on their collaboration.”

Crisis pregnancy centers have long provided low-income women with a wide variety of services, including ultrasounds, basic medical care, adoption referrals, parenting classes, and children’s supplies that help mitigate the fears and burdens that lead some to choose abortion. For that reason, they have long been a target of left-wing rage, with attacks often focusing on claims that they “deceive” women, both about abortion and about their own services. But the pro-life contentions most often derided as “misinformation” are in fact true, and accusations of self-misrepresentation typically refer to little more than the fact that ads for them appear in online searches for the term “abortion.”

Despite labeling itself “pro-choice,” the abortion movement is notoriously hostile to any and all types of alternatives to abortion from publicity campaigns to maligning crisis pregnancy centers to attempts to strip medical licenses from pro-life doctors to violence and threats against pregnancy centers that are less likely to be prosecuted than purported cases of anti-abortion violence.

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