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Just For The Asking: Are Politicians In Power Narcissistic Or Not? (OPINION)

ndokwareporters.com 2024/10/5
Just For The Asking: Are Politicians In Power Narcissistic Or Not?  (OPINION)
Isaac Asabor

There is no denying the fact that not a few Nigerians are disappointed over the negligent dispositions of most politicians in power as they are by each passing day, particularly as the economy bites harder, asking the question, “Are politicians in power narcissistic?” Without a doubt, the question has become a topic of widespread curiosity. At relaxation spots, newsrooms, boardrooms, and virtual forums alike, people engage in animated discussions about the psychological makeup of our elected leaders. This is as the allure of power seems to magnify the traits of not a few of them, therefore putting them on the spotlight for scrutiny,

As the question is pondered over in this context, it will not be out of place to opine that it is expedient to explore the intricate dance between ego, ambition, and governance, and which is no doubt detrimental to the collective destiny of virtually every Nigerian who is been governed by narcissistic politicians in power.

Without a doubt, the corridors of power are strewn with paradoxes. Narcissistic traits, such as an inflated sense of self-importance, a thirst for admiration, and a lack of empathy, can propel politicians to prominence. Their charisma draws followers, and their unwavering belief in their exceptionalism fuels their ascent to power. But mind you, the same traits that propel them upward can also lead to their downfall.

The reason for the foregoing view cannot be farfetched as pathological power, unchecked by ethical constraints, can wreak havoc on institutions and societies. As citizens, there is a patriotic need for us to remain vigilant, holding leaders accountable while acknowledging that the quest for power often dances dangerously close to the edge of narcissism. So, the next time you hear the question whispered in hushed tones, remember that it is not merely an intellectual exercise, but a reflection of our collective fascination with the enigma of leadership.

As this writer ponders how narcissistic politicians are in this contexts, the question of whether politicians in power exhibit narcissistic traits or not cannot be pooh-poohed, kindly dispassionately permit him to draw insights from a topic, titled, “Top 5 Characteristic Sign of a Narcissist” and authored by an anonymous writer. The article, dated October 12, 2022, can be accessed online on a blog aptly named “Knowledge Wisdom”.  This dependable source delves into the intricate dynamics of narcissistic personalities. However, in this context, this writer is bringing his understanding of the topic to explain how the allure of power and the perils of unchecked ego in governance is muddling up Nigeria’s political water. In fact, as he navigates this fascinating terrain, be dispassionate enough to read this piece as he considers how the nexus of ambition, charisma, and self-importance shapes our political landscape from the backdrop of narcissism.

As gathered from the source which is unarguably written from a psychological perspective, “Narcissistic personality disorder it suffice to opine that narcissistic politicians in power suffer from a mental health condition that makes them to be exhibiting an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. It is characterized by being overly preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. The foregoing view cannot be said to be condemnable as narcissistic politicians in power are often exploitative, taking advantage of others to achieve their own goals.

”Narcissistic personality disorder can be diagnosed when these traits impair the ability of a politician to function in office.  In fact, “A persistent pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy. This pattern leads to an exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement, interferes with relations with others, and leads to significant distress or impairment. “Narcissists often feel that they are special in some way and deserve more than others. They may also be aware that their behavior is not by social norms despite believing themselves to be superior. The foregoing judgment of this writer cannot be said to be erroneous as we are all witnesses to how politicians accord utmost priorities to issues that concern their emoluments and perks, and on the other hand struggle hard in ensuring that workers’ salaries are not increased; even with a dime, whereas theirs’ are increased as much as they desire.

To simply put it, they usually insist that they are entitled to special treatment in certain situations even though their behaviour is not appropriate and does not deserve it. Narcissistic politicians in government also lack empathy for others, and selfishly have a sense of entitlement, believing that others should make specific allowances for them.

As further gathered from the same source, a narcissist have an inflated ego, and an inflated ego is an exaggerated sense of self-importance. It is the belief that one is better than others and deserves to be treated as such.

For the sake of clarity, it is germane to opine that narcissism has always been a part of human nature, but in recent years, it seems to have become more common in the sphere of politics in this part of the world, where not a few politicians contribute to the trend as they are constantly comparing themselves to others and feeling like they are never good enough. This leads them to feel they need validation from other politicians and the masses, and always feeling that they deserve more than what they have. Given the foregoing backdrop, it is not surprising that Godfathers and Godsons are always at loggerheads, and always engaged in personality crises.

Again, narcissists lack empathy. Without resort to campaign of calumny in this context, it is expedient to opine that not a few politicians in power in Nigeria exhibit the psychological disposition that can be likened to narcissism as they lacked the empathy that is crucial in understanding the peoples’ point of view. It is one of the most important characteristics that make a good leader and an effective communicator. But do you know that most politicians in power do not have empathy?

The reason for the foregoing view cannot be farfetched as a casual observation of the level of hardship Nigerians are presently passing through under the ongoing administration been led by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu shows that politicians adjudged to be narcissistic in this part of the world have an extremely low level of empathy.  They have unarguably demonstrated the fact that they are the kind of people that are highly confident and ambitious, and who use their charm to get what they want from others. They don’t care about other people’s feelings or thoughts, but rather about their own.

In fact, as also gathered from the source that unarguably inspired the expression of this view, Narcissists are people who have an extreme need for attention. They are approval-seeking individuals who will go to great lengths to get that attention. Though Narcissists can be found in every profession and in all walks of life, but as conjectured by this writer, they are dominant on Nigeria’s political field.

Analyzed from another perspective, it is not an exaggeration to opine that insecurities are a part of life. We all have them, and we all have to learn how to deal with them. For some people, it is more difficult than for others. Unfortunately, when politicians feel insecure about themselves, they can behave in ways that are often called attention-seeking behaviour or narcissistic behaviour. Wherever they go, they go with police escorts. To my view, the only places they don’t go with their escorts are bathrooms, toilets and “the other rooms”.

According to my understanding from the source, which invariably inspired the expression of this view, when people feel insecure about themselves, they can behave in ways that are often called attention-seeking behaviour or narcissistic behaviour. For example: a person who feels not getting enough attention might start an argument with someone else just to get the attention he or she wants. Such person who feels like his or her ego is too small might tell other people how great he or she is just to make himself or herself seems more important. It is probably due to the foregoing reasons that politicians monitor social media platforms, blogs and several other media platforms, and begin to ask “Ordinary” reporters and writers like this writer, “who is sponsoring your works against me?” Aptly put, they are always paranoid. Anyone that calls them to account by speaking truth to power is sponsored by their opponents. Aptly put, they see their opponents everywhere; even when they cannot satisfy their wives.

At this juncture, it is expedient to highlight the boundaries of narcissists holding political positions and how they manipulate people. Narcissistic politicians in power, no doubt, suffer from personality disorder, which is a pathological malady that affects their self-esteem and emotional stability. This cannot be understood from the backdrop of the fact that Narcissists are manipulative individuals who don’t have any boundaries in their lives. They use different tactics to get what they want, even if it means manipulating others to do what they want or abandoning them when they no longer need them.

Having digested the facts that are inherent in this piece, do they resonate with how some politicians behave when they get to power? And “Are politicians in power narcissistic?”  Your guess is as good as mine.

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