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My Mom Left Me Because of My Disability, Years Later I Met Her and My Plan Was Sweet

celebritygazers.com 4 days ago

Eve is a 30-year-old disabled woman who was abandoned by her mother at the age of ten. Throughout all, Eve has been waiting for her mother to return, weeping her eyes out because of such a brutal betrayal by the person she loved the most. And when the time came for their encounter, the young woman taught her mother a life lesson she would most likely never forget.

Eve was deceived by her mother.

My life has never been especially kind to me. When I was ten years old, my mother abandoned me, a lady I adored and respected. She broke up with my biological father when I was one year old, and I never met him. He left because the doctors told me I’d most certainly spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair, and he simply fled away from any responsibility.

My mother was left alone with me, and she faced numerous obstacles while raising me. Then mom met my stepfather, Owen, who was incredibly kind and caring. After they married, Owen surrounded us both with care and devotion that we could only imagine. Everything was fine, until one day when my mother decided she no longer wanted me or him in her life.

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Eve survived only because of the love of her stepdad Owen.

My mother disappeared one day. That day, I was at a recovery center with Owen, and when we returned home, Mom was gone, and her belongings were vanished. The only item she left was a brief note in which she stated, ‘I can’t handle it anymore. ‘You’re a burden that stole my best years.
I cried for months, blaming myself for Mom’s unhappiness. I believed my life was over; I was sad, and nothing seemed to help.

But there was one person who managed to save me, and that was my stepdad, Owen. He helped me to find the reason to live and fight. He was there for me every single minute after mom abandoned us. I saw that it was so hard for him to cope with it, but he never showed me his weaknesses, always staying strong and positive, even in the darkest times that we both had to go through.

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Owen talked to me a lot, he explained so many things to me, and he always treated me like a princess. And he was the person who inspired me for a crucial step that changed my life forever.

Eve reached the top of success in her career regardless of her condition.

I’m a very successful lawyer who works for a large corporation. I hold a high-level position there and make a good living, allowing me to live the life I’ve always desired. And I have it all because Owen believed in me and supported my studies and career.

When I was at school, I had a difficult relationship with some of my classmates. They would tease me and what was especially cruel that they would often make painful remarks about how my parents abandoned me.

Owen was always very protective of me, and one day he told me that I needed to learn how to fight for my rights and protect myself from any harm through the use of the law. This was my main drive to pursue a profession as a lawyer.

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Since I was a child, I aspired to be the person who advocates for individuals with disabilities, helps them succeed in life, and counsels them through their difficulties. I pursued my passion and graduated from one of the finest institutions specializing in law, and my career took off immediately.

Eve’s mom showed up when the woman was living her best life.

One day, my mother showed up out of nowhere, after 20 years of being away from me and Owen. She simply came to my house, knocked on the door and asked me to give her a chance and to listen. To my surprise, I didn’t feel anything when I saw her on my doorstep, though I instantly recognized who she was.

She came in and instantly started speaking. She boldly stated that she abandoned me because Owen was showing a nasty behavior towards her, she said he did many wrong things to her, and I was sure she was lying. But she insisted that Owen’s infidelity was the cause of her stress and her decision to give up on her family.

Then she told me she was broken, had no money, and no place to live. She blatantly declared that I owe her money because she raised me until I was ten years old. I was stunned and outraged to hear that from the woman who abandoned me and then reappeared when I gained some success in life. I asked her to sit down for a moment and then left the room. I went to my home office, opened my safe, where I had some cash, and returned to her.

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I gave her this money and said, ‘Here’s $10,000, and this is the money that I owe you. Each year that you were my mom, cost $1,000, this is how much I can pay you for your job as a caregiver. I know that this may not be the sum that you expected to earn for your service, but I also had some expectations that you never met.

Being your daughter, your flesh and blood, I always expected that you would be my mother, that you would be there for me and that you would love me and take care of me. You didn’t meet my requirements, and you got fired when I was 10. Everything’s now in order, you received your salary, and you must leave this place and forget about my existence for the time being.

She was astonished and couldn’t say anything. She tried to cry, but she couldn’t. She went, and I immediately felt broken. I knew I had done the right thing since I didn’t feel I owed her anything.

But, at the same time, Owen said that I was being too cruel with my mother and that he didn’t expect this from me. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

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