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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Volcanoes

news9live.com 2 days ago
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Volcanoes

Altitude A rare and unusual volcanic light pillar captured over Mount Etna in Italy a few hours after sunset.  Giancarlo Tinè

Altitude Another image of Mount Etna which has been erupting for hundreds of thousands of years.  Giuseppe Vella

Volcano + Lightning  Here is lightning over an erupting Sakurajima volcano in Japan. Scientists can't explain the lightning.  Martin Rietze (Alien Landscapes on Planet Earth)

Vortex Rings If the geometry of the vents are conducive, then these smoke rings, known as vortex circles, can form.  Dario Giannobile

Smoking Mountain Venus is on the top right and the crescent Moon looms over the venting Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico.  Luis Miguel Meade Rodríguez

Smoking Mountain Iceland is among the most geologically active regions on Earth. This image captures the Fagradalsfjall volcano.  Wioleta Gorecka; Text: Natalia Lewandowska (SUNY Oswego)

Glowing Mountain The constellation of the Southern Cross glitters over the active Villarrica volcano in Chile.  Tomáš Slovinský

Glowing Mountain Yet another image of the smouldering Mount Etna, with the naked-eye comet ZTF in the skies above.  Dario Giannobile

Volcanic Conjunction Jupiter and Saturn appear close together in the sky next to a smoking, glowing volcano in Guatemala.  Francisco Sojuel

Volcano + Milky Way This 25 second exposure captures the Acatenango volcano in Guatemala under the Milky Way.  Diego Rizzo

Venusian Volcano Here is an artist's reconstruction of what a volcanic eruption on Venus might look like.  NASA, JPL-Caltech, Peter Rubin
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