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How to Prepare Chichiko

kogireports.com 1 day ago

 Chichiko is a local delicacy of the Bassa kwomu speaking tribe in Nigeria. This meal has been in existence for ages marking the cultural heritage of the people of Bassa, especially those in Kogi state. This simple yet delicious meal contains nutritional benefits crucial for the building of the body system as it contains virtually all the six classes of food.

Chichiko is not just a local meal that makes up the culture of the people of bassa, it is consumed for the quest of quenching hunger even among other ethnic groups and it major component which is cassava and beans contains both carbohydrate and protein  which makes a balance diet.

The meal is less costly to prepare and it is easily accessible and affordable by rural dwellers because majority of them are into farming hence they could easily get it ingredients for preparation. It is also readily available for the city dwellers especially as it is being sold in the market and at a cheaper price.

One vital  aspect of this meal is that it is  very easy to prepare. One doesn’t have to make use of any strenuous effort to prepare it and it is not time consuming.

Currently, we’ll dive into the heart of this local delicacy with a step by step guide to preparing it. This meal is made  with cassava flour,beans, seasoning cube, salt, oil(groundnut or red oil), onion, pepper and water to complete it. It is a medley of the classes  of food.

Step 1: Cook the Beans

Put the prepared beans (your preferred quantity) in a clean pot and place  it on the fire to cook for about forty minutes (you can add a little sliced onion to it to soften) . After cooking and it becomes soft, bring it down from the fire to drain then return the beans on the fire and add little water to cook again.

Step 2: Prepare the Cassava Flour

Measure  cassava flour( to your desire )  and filter it. After filtering, turn it in a bowl and mix with water. While mixing, ensure  you create little lumps with the cassava flour. It shouldn’t be smooth. Continue to mix and add little quantity of  water in the process until it changes from white to brown. Sprinkle a little salt to it.

Step 3: Prepare the Ingredients

Prepare pepper and onion and pound or blend together then put aside.At this point, you can just bring the oil, salt and seasoning close by. If you are making use of one mudu of cassava flour for instance, the beans should be up to two cups and the seasoning cube should not be more than two, you can add little salt too but it’s optional i.e if it is not tasteful enough.

Step 4 : Add the Cassava Flour to the Beans

When the water is about to dry up from the beans on the fire, you look for a cover of pot that is smaller in size than the pot on the fire and use it to cover the surface of the beans then turn the cassava flour in the bowl on the cover  then cover with the pot’s cover. The heat that comes  from the cover will make the cassava  flour to be well cooked. Allow to  cook for like five minutes after which the water in the beans would have dried up, then turn the cassava flour for mixing.

Step 5: Mix Together

Mix the already cooked beans and cassava flour in a clean bowl and keep aside.

Step 6: Add the Ingredients

The next thing to do is the addition of already prepared ingredients. Turn the pepper mixture to the mixed cassava flour and beans, add seasoning cube, salt, oil to it( to your desire quantity) and mix together with a spoon.Taste and add ingredients if necessary.

Step 7: Serve

Serve the chichiko in a plate for consumption.

Chichiko delicacy made with red oil
Chichiko delicacy made with groundnut oil

Tips for Success

Preparation: Inorder to get more desirable result, instead of using grounded cassava, you can pound it yourself and filter. Also, the water should not be too much to avoid being too sticky but not too little  so that it won’t taste much of raw cassava. While making the ingredients, you can make use of dried pepper if you do not have  fresh ones. The beans should be well cooked so as to go well with the cassava flour while eating.

Heat Control

If you are using a gas cooker, for example, the heat should be kept low while cooking the beans and cassava flour so that it will not be overcooked or get burnt.

Following this step by step process of chichiko meal, you will sure arrive at a desired and delicious meal that you will sure enjoy whether prepared  for oneself, family or large number of people  and it transcend beyond cultural benefits, it gives protein which will help build the body as well as carbohydrate for energy, fat and oil which is available in it required quantity and water essential for healthy living. Embrace the traditional delicacy of chichiko and enjoy every bit of it benefits.

– Rai Faith Kekeshi
Prince Abubakar Audu University, Anyigba.

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