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The Collateral

nation.com.pk 1 day ago

Four Israeli hostages were rescued, and 274 Palestinians were killed in the rescue operation. Israel’s notion of a proportionate response has already disappeared into thin air since it started bombarding Gaza eight months back. This raid into the Nuseirat camp was extraordinary because done in broad daylight, it shows how Israel now hardly cares about covering its massacre under the cover of night. Secondly, the use of an aid truck to invade the camp area speaks of the notorious minds and brutal ‘end justifies the means’ approach Israel has adopted. But it’s not just Israel.

The involvement of the United States in assisting Israel with this particular raid, where 150 rockets were fired in less than 10 minutes, is an open call for the world to see the complicity of the US in the genocide. Every day, there are more and more reasons to be surprised. Despite the growing pressure from the world, Israel and its darling US stand more emboldened and least deterred.

The world should continue to condemn this abomination, and it’s about time that the US is also sued for genocide in the International Court of Justice. Compare 4 to 274, and the nauseating disregard for human life becomes clear. As eyewitnesses describe it as moments of total chaos and apocalypse, the 274 lives of the Palestinians are not just numbers. They were innocent people, starved by force and forced to live in a camp.

The Nuseirat camp raid adds another strand to how far Israel can go. While efforts at negotiations and peace plans will definitely be detracted now, we also know how shallow the US is when it proposes peace plans to Israel. The involvement of some special US forces in the raid and the remains of a rocket that reads ‘made in India’ - we know who all support the tyranny.

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