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Citizens groan as prices of foodstuffs soar in Kaduna, Kano, Katsina

quicknews-africa.net 2 days ago

Aminu made the assertion during an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna.

He explained that the farmers were not able to start farming early even with the rains due to the high cost of fertilizer and the late distribution of seedlings and pesticides among others.

“This led to poor yields causing the peasant farmers to sell their surplus produce to middlemen who now determine the prices in markets.

“But, with the Federal Government’s initiative to distribute farm inputs to the farmers this year using their mobile phones, we are hopeful that there will be bountiful harvests, ” he said.

Aminu said the Federal Government has commenced the distribution of farm inputs to the farmers in some local governments of the state, adding that more farmers would be captured in the programme.

Aminu explained that the items included fertilizer, pesticides and seedlings which would be given at subsidized prices to the farmers, with the Federal Government  paying half the price of the items.

” This will help bring down the prices of food items, “he said.

In a bid to secure the farmers and the farms, the Police Command in Kaduna State Government has donated 100 motorcycles to it.

The command also said it has has p in place elaborate plans to secure farmlands for the farmers to farm without fearing any security threats.

The command’s Public Relations Officer, Mansir Hassan, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), that the gesture by Gov. Uba Sani was aimed at further protecting farmers across the state.

According to Hassan, the motorcycles had since been distributed to the Divisional Police Officers in the affected areas where farmers are no longer apprehensive to go to the farms.

He said the essence was to make sure that the farmers were protected in their farmlands when farming in the insecurity-prone areas of the state.

Hassan said the plain-clothes security personnel and vigilance  services were part of the plan.

He said that the initiative would boost the farmers’ morale to troop to the farms without harbouring any fear.

He said that the Commissioner of Police,Mr Ali Dabigi, has a lot of plans with the support of the state government, saying that they would yield positive results.

In Kano State, some agriculture experts have advised the Federal Government to engage in discussions with farm produce marketers and large-scale farmers to curb the soaring food prices in the country.

Some of the experts spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) in Kano on measures to stem the tide of skyrocketing food prices and roof-top inflation.

Alhaji Nasiru Musa, the Managing Director of ANS farms limited, said that engaging legitimate farm-produce marketers and large-scale farmers was the simple and feasible solution to the soaring food prices.

According to him, it is very difficult to differentiate between foodstuff hoarders and large-scale farmers and legitimate farm-produce marketers who have large warehouses where they keep their commodities before distributing them to other parts of the country.

He advised the government at all levels to purchase the foodstuffs in large quantities directly from the large-scale farmers and resell them to the masses at affordable rates throughout all the local government areas.

“I appeal to the government also to discourage bulk purchases by individuals or groups, by doing this, the prices of food can be controlled to some extent and food will reach the poor,” he said.

Abubakar Sani, a retired director, state ministry of Agriculture, who also called on federal government to sit with large-scale farmers particularly in the North, said that farm products were being exported to neighbouring African countries due to the weak value of the Naira

He further urged federal and state governments to support farmers with solar-powered pumps, fertilisers, seeds, extension services, pesticides, among others.

Mahmud Garba, a lecturer, explained that rising cost of living and escalating food prices have been the main challenge that the majority of Nigerians were battling with at the moment.

According to him, the rise in the cost of staple food and other products has affected the purchasing power of many Nigerians, as it is now very difficult for the majority of households to afford daily meals.

Sanusi Bature, Director General Media to the Kano State Governor, said that the state governor had approved the procurement of fertiliser, valued at over N5bn, to show the state’s commitment to food sufficiency, through agricultural transformation.

He said that the move was in fulfilment of Yusuf’s campaign promise to support smallholder farmers, especially in rural areas, toward a high yield of crops in the 2024 rainy season.

“The fertiliser approved for purchase will complement those already produced by the state-owned Kano Agricultural Supply Company and would be made available to farmers at a subsidized price within the state.

“Governor Yusuf had previously purchased grains, worth billions of naira and distributed them to the vulnerable people in the state, to cushion the economic hardship faced by a significant number of people in the state,” he said.

On economy,Abdulfatah Adewale, a financial expert also advised the Federal Government to explore the reduction of taxes and duties and support the consumption of locally produced goods and services to address the economic challenges facing Nigerians.

He urged the federal government to come up with fiscal policies like tax reduction to encourage companies to invest, expand and employ more workers.

Adewale also Advised the government to equally reduce the duties paid by importers on some goods, give incentives to consumers of locally produced products and pump in money into the system.

In Katsina, a cross section of the residents of Katsina metropolis expressed concern over the continued hike in the prices of foodstuffs and other goods in the state.

Speaking to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Katsina, the residents said the hike in prices of foodstuffs, coupled with other economic hardship has pushed many people into poverty and hunger.

Malam Ibrahim Isma’il, a civil servant, said before the current hardship, his salary can sustain him to another salary, but now it can not provide his family with food for two-weeks.

A trader, Malam Bala Baba said, “To be honest with you, life is difficult for many of us, because business is no longer moving because of the economic hardship, and our businesses are collapsing.

During a visit to some of the markets in the city, NAN reports that the quantity of Maize (mudu) which was sold a few months ago at N1,200, is now N1,600.

The local rice sold at N3,600, is now N4,000, beans sold at N3,400 per measure, is now N4,800, while a measure of cereal sold at N1,600 is now N2,200.

Also at Chake market, a bag of Maize is sold at N89,500, cereal at N86,000, millet N88,000, beans N165,000, Suyer beans N89,500, while a bag of local rice is N58,000.

Although some of the residents attributed the hardship to the current economic situation in the state, some said the insecurity also is contributing.

NAN recalls that recently, the Katsina State government in an effort to boost the agricultural sector, recruited 722 extension workers and provided them with motorcycles and other equipment.

During the event, Gov. Dikko Radda said, “Second way of fighting poverty is to improve productivity. Agriculture is our major occupation, that’s why we created Katsina State Irrigation authority.

“The aim is to have all year-round irrigation farming in the state, that will reduce redundancy, and keep everybody busy.

He pointed out that to achieve or increase productivity , farmers have to be sensitised on farming as a business.

According to the governor, when he came to power, there were only 72 extension workers in the state.

“We gave each of them a motorcycle and other equipment to enable them move around to enlighten farmers on the way to improve their productivity.

“We also launched the sales of about 20,000 metric tons of fertilizer to farmers in the state at a very subsidised price.

“These are some of the things that we are putting in place to engage the farmers, the youths and the locals to be more productive, reduce the level of poverty and improve their livelihood.”

The governor also revealed that the state government, through the KT-CARES, has supported over 6,100 farmers in the state.

NAN also reports that recently, the state government in collaboration with an NGO, Mercy Corps embarked on herder-farmer conflict resolution, especially across some front-line areas.

The dialogue, organised through the Conflict Mitigation and Community Reconciliation in North-West Nigeria (CMCR-NW) project.

was aimed at promoting locally-driven peace initiatives through interest-based negotiation.

Speaking at the event, the state’s Commissioner for Agriculture and Livestock Development, Prof. Ahmed Bakori, said the dialogue was a necessary sequel to the prevalence of such conflicts during the rainy season.

“This situation poses a challenge to safe farming and grazing activities, and affects agricultural activities leading to minimal harvests and overall output.

“It then becomes imperative for stakeholders to brainstorm and design appropriate strategies to prevent and where possible mitigate tensions during the forthcoming farming season.

“With this development, farming activities across the front line areas will hold for this rainy season,” Bakori assured. (NAN

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