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Sick Couple Arrested For The Worst Case Of Child Abuse The World Has Ever Seen

usaloaded.com 3 days ago

Some people do not deserve to be called ‘mom’ or ‘dad.’ Being a parent is the most awesome responsibility! You are in charge of a new human being. They will grow up watching you and learning from you.

How you treat them will be how they treat others. Two infants in Owasso, Oklahoma had bed sores, severe diaper rash, and they were very malnourished.

child abuse
Image Credit: N/A

The doctors who cared for them said this was the most horrific case of abuse they had ever seen. The two people arrested for the crime on Dec. 10 are Aislyn Miller, 24, and Kevin Fowler, 25.

child abuse
Image Credit: N/A

When police were called, a nurse told them that she had seen a maggot crawl out of one of the baby’s genitals. The other child reportedly had feces in its ear. One of the babies had a wound on her finger that had been caused by a piece of hair being tied around her finger and not being removed.

child abuse

Miller claimed that she and Fowler were new parents and didn’t know how to take care of babies. She also added that their condition was a result of being born two weeks premature. Miller has no health insurance and doesn’t know how to use the Affordable care act.

child abuse
Image Credit: Facebook

Sounds like she is just making up excuses for her own incompetence. There is no way a baby left the hospital with maggots. How does that even happen? Both Fowler and Miller are now in jail, and bail has been set at $100,000.

child abuse
Image Credit: Facebook

Good news is that those two babies are out of that awful situation. Share away, people.

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