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Summer horoscope: love, form, highlights… sign by sign, what the months of July and August have in store for you

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Summer horoscope: love, form, highlights... sign by sign, what the months of July and August have in store for you

Ce que vous réservent les astres. – Anastasy Yarmolovich

Fidèle au rendez-vous, Suzie Gentile, strologue réputée, a scruté le ciel pour les mois de juillet et d'août. On fait le point, signe par signe.

Summer horoscope: love, form, highlights... sign by sign, what the months of July and August have in store for you

Suzie Gentile, renowned astrologer, scanned the sky for the months of July and August.

Aries: the calm before the storm!

"The calm before the storm" : make this popular wisdom your own during the summer. Venus looks at you with a somewhat hostile eye during the first two weeks of July. Keep your back rounded again, you might say! Rest assured, beautiful clearings will mark your summer sky from July 12, don't lock yourself in your ivory tower and accept the invitations that come your way.

Love: Venus comes to thwart your plans. But you will not give way to dark thoughts, you have a dynamic and joyful group of friends on whom you can count. Jump into the whirlwind of summer outings. Love quarrels may resurface, stay diplomatic and don't ruin your summer.

Shape: the wheel does not turn in your favor ? Thumb your nose at life by taking care of yourself and your well-being. Playing a sport in a group will allow you to clear your head. New relationships assured and morale will be high!

Highlights:Venus disrupts your emotional plans. It also forces you to clean up, both in your relationships and in your head! It is during the month of July that you will make decisions, they seem to materialize in September. Whatever happens, summer should still be pleasant.

Taurus: carpe diem

The days follow one another and are not the same, dear Taurus friend. The beautiful Venus is in ambush in July, she will be favorable to you from August 6. Expect some storms or even thunder in July. Fortunately the climate will be more pleasant in August.

Love: you will no longer know which way to dance, especially in July. Indeed, Venus is capricious to your
against . She sometimes makes soft eyes at you and sometimes she glares at you. But you will take things as they come while waiting for better days which will soon arrive on August 6.

Shape: a dynamic summer awaits you. You certainly need to move and occupy yourself, but not
haste! Take a breath and take some time to rest. Try relaxation, yoga, chi cong, pilates etc… So many practices that could suit you.

Highlights: July begins in a somewhat vague climate and you may find yourself in shaky situations. That'at
No matter, you will find a thousand and one activities to avoid falling into this destabilizing atmosphere. Take to the skies! From August 6. Venus looks kindly on you and you will find your smile and the joy of living!

Gemini: a promising summer

You need to communicate, to exchange, the sign of Ai that you are is made for this so to speak. This summer you will be fully satisfied because Venus rewards you with its celestial manna especially in July. If you are single, you will not be far from paradise!

Love: if you are a “single Gemini”, a meeting is to be marked with a white stone. There is a turning point
decisive in your love life. A summer full of promises awaits you. A happy event is not
impossible for the greatest happiness of all.

Form: you won't be able to stay still, it's your turn until the end of the night. It’s your way of “letting go” a
a real benefit for the mind and body. Comfortable in your sneakers, you will embrace life to the fullest and nothing and no one will stop you.

Highlights: summer will be punctuated by multiple and varied twists and turns. Your desire for independence is still
strong, the need for company will prevail. Take advantage of this auspicious astral period to change what doesn't suit you and ignore the views of others, don't ruin your summer with "when shall we say" !

Cancer: the joy of living

Venus shines her rays and makes your sky all blue. It is the promise of new encounters and the invitations that follow. You will find your joy of living again You will draw everyone into the whirlwind of the party. A happy event is announced … And why not say "yes" to the mayor in the coming weeks!

Love: Venus looks at you with a good eye. You will shine brightly and you will only have eyes for your dear and tender. With a morale that can withstand any test, cheerful and full of humor, you will wreak havoc! Passion will be there. You will make new friends.

Form: charm and seduction mark your summer. Your days will be short and your nights long! In this almost euphoric climate you will change your daily life: "look" decidedly younger and more relaxed. You will also change your lifestyle. You will attack the start of the school year with a hell of a catch.

Highlights: here's to a pleasant summer that extends its arms to you, dear Cancer friend. You will spend happy days with your dear and loving one. Be careful, some mood swings are looming in your sky during the month of August, avoid storms! This won't last and your tender temperament will quickly take over.

Lion: paradise or almost

Your sky is blue with no clouds on the horizon so make the most of it. This summer is favorable to your loves. A pleasant season awaits you 6 dear Leo friend. Beautiful surprises and unexpected invitations mark your route. The planets energize you and invite you to travel. Only happiness!

Love: you are a born independent and you have difficulty being accountable. So this summer you have established your program and you intend to follow it. But Cupid darts his arrows and has decided otherwise so this summer long live fusional love! Tenderness will also be there "nirvana" is not far!

Shape: you will have a thousand and one projects to take care of your shape and you will train your friends to follow you. By practicing a sport, you will better channel your energy. You will recover your strength after the party! You will be asked what your recipe is!

Highlights:A radiant summer extends its arms to you, dear Leo friend. Love is in good shape and you will shine brightly. So you must never lose hope, life has surprises in store. Love at first sight, a second honeymoon!

Virgo: the fiesta and the Siesta!

Venus is favorable towards you during the summer and more particularly from August 6. You will never stop moving and will be determined to party, nothing will stop you! Your generally discreet temperament will change completely this summer. The stars invite you to make your wildest dreams come true!

Love:it will be the same in love you will be determined to break the daily hum and the vacations planned in advance! You will try to be diplomatic so as not to upset those around you too much. But you will have difficulty holding still. You can even loosen the mooring lines and go solo! Happy reunion in September!

Shape: your summer will be invigorating and you will regularly practice a sport. Far from getting stuck in routine, you will practice new activities. Your dynamism will hit the mark and you will bring your friends along in your wake. You will have energy to spare but that won't stop you from taking well-being breaks with your partner.

Highlights: you have decided to make the most of the beautiful summer evenings. You will meet wonderful people who will give another dimension to your life, towards the end of July you will make new resolutions. From August 6, you will not stop partying and you will find a happy group of friends.

Libra: the whirlwind of summer

At the start of summer you will establish your program: relaxation, nap, reading, zen atmosphere etc… Yes but there you go… Boredom awaits you! The diplomatic Libra that you are will make concessions so as not to come into conflict with your partner but not throughout the summer, the clouds are appearing on the horizon!

Love: here's to a breathtaking summer! The stars are blowing a wind of independence that encourages you to party. You
try to train your partner. A little electricity in your relationship is to be expected, but ultimately it will add a little spice to your life as a couple.

Form:if you were in a gloomy mood, this wind of independence that the planets blow, gives you punch and
high morale. You will throw yourself into the whirlwind of summer parties. An event makes you nostalgic ? Thumb your nose at life and accept the invitations that come your way!

Highlights: you will spare the sensitivities of those around you but you will not stay still. Your
sociable temperament will be endowed with great energy and you will fully enjoy the holidays. This will allow you to escape the
routine, your enemy that makes the days identical and gloomy!

Scorpio: Cupid darts his arrows!

"After the rain comes the good weather" they say, here is the shade of your summer, dear Scorpio friend. Try to do a little more
trust each other, relax, it’s summer! Your loved one will have a little difficulty understanding you, put a little water in your wine and the atmosphere will be more harmonious.

Love: Venus makes eyes at you during the first days of July and from August 6, particularly if you are
Single. If you are already in a relationship, you will experience pleasant moments and the heavy black clouds of the past will disappear
will dissipate. It’s a good time to make plans together and look forward to the future.

Shape: forget the sentimental disappointments of the past and open up to others. The sky will start to clear in
July and it will warm your heart. Play a team sport to boost your morale. To keep a beautiful
figure, go on a little diet.

Highlights: you will take full advantage of the good aspects of Venus during a good part of the summer. It is from August 6th
that Venus will dart its rays and you will be more fulfilled than ever. However, use and abuse diplomacy to tell
your dear and tender that you need a little more independence but that this does not alter the feelings towards him/her

Sagittarius: the eyes of Chimène!

Venus makes eyes at you in July. Radiant, almost nothing will resist you. With Venus in your pocket, you will be more optimistic. Love makes you blind, they say ? Without a doubt, but it doesn't matter to you, you will be in love and you will have the eyes of a chimene this month of July!

Love: at the start of summer you won't know what decision to make. Your friends will be there and will encourage you to go out and see things more clearly. If you are in a relationship you will begin a new turn. If you are single the month of July is happy. The month of August is much calmer.

Shape: freedom, parties and outings are yours. Especially in July, so make the most of it! You will leave your worries far behind you. Venus lights up your sign in July, it's a guaranteed facelift because Cupid is knocking at your door!

Highlights:summer will be hot from July 12. This period will be thrilling as can be and your seduction will be at its peak. An unexpected encounter could shake you up! Be careful, however, a small downside: don't be too possessive if you want the relationship to last over time.

Capricorn: smile!

The start of summer is somewhat mixed. Venus creates trouble in your emotional life. Fortunately, your sense of diplomacy and analysis will allow you to avoid missteps. You will be able to gently resolve emotional tensions.

Love: in August the grip loosens and the climate is more serene. Your reasonable temperament will help you channel your
conflicting feelings. You will make this popular wisdom your own: “the heart and reason do not mix”. However, you will find your balance and enjoy happy days with your loved ones without too much hassle.

Shape: summer is somewhat contrasting when it comes to your shape. Fortunately you will be able to manage the increases and
energy drops that can disturb you. Change your look. Coaching and fitness are on the agenda.

Highlights: it’s vacation and rest time. So it’s decided, put your worries away! Let yourself be carried away by the beautiful summer evenings and the relaxation and don't take charge of organizing the parties for once!

Aquarius: change your mind!

Venus will upset your plans and at the same time your morale! You will face bad luck with all your heart. Seek the company of dynamic and enthusiastic people. Enter the whirlwind of the party and this will prevent you from fixating on your worries!

Love: the astral configurations are somewhat mixed and during the summer season you will sometimes have low morale! If vacation plans are changed at the last minute, don't worry! If you're single, take advantage of your freedom. Be careful, don't rush into a union to avoid loneliness. Fortunately the second part of summer will be more pleasant and above all more fulfilling.

Shape: All the "pro" say: practicing a sport is a good way to eliminate the stress accumulated during the year. You may prefer walking, relaxation, pilates, yoga, or massages. In a word, whatever activity you choose, you have to move! And why not treat yourself to a real fitness treatment.

Highlights: summer is certainly mixed, but it still has plenty in store for you ;pleasant surprises. In July, don't ask for the Moon! The month of August is more harmonious. The beautiful Venus will be favorable to you from the 6th and your partner will this time be on the same wavelength as you… Happiness at last!

Pisces: happy days

"How sweet it is to do nothing when everything is shaking around you." You will adopt this philosophy during the summer months. You will take a step back from events to refocus on yourself and your relationship. You will spend happy days with your lover and you will leave your worries behind. Single, there is a new encounter in the air.

Love: here is a beautiful summer that awaits you dear friend Pisces, particularly during the month of July. Venus will be favorable to singles despite a strong need for independence. Couples will be more optimistic and animated by a great joy of living. Romantic trips will be hot.

Shape: the beautiful Venus at the beginning of summer in the sign of Cancer then in the sign of Leo will bring you back to life pleasant. You will feel more confident in yourself. The one of your heart will take great care of you. Your mood will be good and you will experience the beautiful summer evenings intensely.

Highlights: take advantage of the good aspects of Venus against you to live fully this summer. You will make people jealous but whatever, you will enjoy life to the fullest! The month of July will be fulfilling. You will regain your magnetism and your natural charm will hit the mark. Love at first sight awaits you!

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