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Bolivia attempted coup fails as military flees, leading general arrested

TV360 Nigeria 2024/10/5

Bolivia’s army chief has been arrested on Wednesday after sending soldiers and tanks to take up position in front of government buildings in what President Luis Arce called an attempted coup.

The troops and tanks entered Plaza Murillo in the afternoon, prompting global condemnation of an attack on democracy.

One of the tanks tried to break down a metal door of the presidential palace where the presidency and Congress are situated,

Surrounded by soldiers and eight tanks, the now-dismissed army chief General Juan Jose Zuniga said the “armed forces intend to restructure democracy, to make it a true democracy and not one run by the same few people for 30, 40 years.”

Shortly thereafter, soldiers and tanks were seen pulling back from the square. The uprising lasted about five hours.

Later on Wednesday, Zuniga was captured and forced into a police car as he addressed reporters outside a military barracks, footage on state television showed.

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