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Hajj 2024: Accolades For Hajj Mabrur’s Outstanding Performance

Independent 2024/10/5
Hajj Mabrur pilgrims during their historic visit to Mount Uhud.

… Our Religious Rites And Duties Were Well Guided By Agency, Says Iba Ilu Kishi

… Despite Economic Downturn, Many Pilgrims Embraced Hajj Mabrur – MD

Nigeria’s leading hajj and umrah operator, Hajj Mabrur Ventures Limited, has received tons of commendations from pilgrims across various back­grounds who embarked on the spiritual journey to the holy land in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the agency.

The pilgrims, drawn from different parts of Nigeria and professions, including those in the Diaspora took turns to ap­preciate the excellent services provided by Hajj Mabrur in making their hajj rites from be­ginning to the end a wonderful experience that will linger on.

This year, over 1.8 million Muslims from across the world converged on the plain of Ara­fat to perform the hajj rites, with 65,000 pilgrims making up the Nigerian contingent.

Among its contingent to the holy land was a promi­nent monarch in Oyo State, Southwest Nigeria, HRH Oba Mashood Aweda Oyekola La­wal (Iba of Kishi), who also testified to an excellent perfor­mance of his hajj rites dutiful­ly and religiously with profes­sional support courtesy of Hajj Mabrur in an interview with our medium live at Mina, the City of Tents.

“This is not my first hajj. I’ve been here at least 6 times for hajj and umrah. This would be the third time with Hajj Mabrur,” Oba Oyekola stated.

“My hajj experience this year is distinct and unique from the previous ones. It’s as if I’ve never done hajj before. This is due to Hajj Mabrur’s conscious supervision that en­sured we carried out all the hajj rites dutifully and religiously. They enlightened and coun­selled us at every point in time. On our part, we, the hujjaj, ad­hered to instructions, cooper­ated and worked in making the exercise seamless.”

The Yoruba monarch said he was so delighted about the way things played out this year, for the many lectures, enlighten­ment, and counselling which influenced the pilgrims posi­tively.

“All our activities were well guided and coordinated, espe­cially at Arafat and Jamarat. The aged among us were also given the required support. In short, I’ll give Hajj Mabrur a big thumbs up for this year’s hajj. I won’t hesitate to refer anyone I know to the agency.”

The welfare of pilgrims is highly improved in this year’s Hajj: Alhaji Sanni

With a recommendation from a friend, Engr. Sanni Ahmed who works with a construction company in Kano State, Nige­ria joined Hajj Mabrur for the first time at hajj, saying it was his best to date.

The engineer who has per­formed hajj for at least seven times said the recommendation by the friend did not turn out to be a mistake.

“Alhamdulillah. I really ap­preciate following Hajj Mabrur for the first time. In shaa Al­lah, I will refer people to Hajj Mabrur,” he said.

“Hajj Mabrur showed me the unity and diversity of Is­lam. They are highly organ­ised, ahlu Sunnah to the core and I have no regret following them. This is one of my best hajj experiences ever in Ara­fat and the epic of all is when we did the last prayer in Arafat with Hajj Mabrur and I’m im­pressed”, he noted.

Hajj Mabrur made Hajj ex­ercise easy for us: Rahmat Oshoola

Another pilgrim, Rahmat Oshoola, urged Muslims not to delay performing hajj when they have the capacity. She said the experience was exciting and people don’t have to wait to be old to be at hajj.

“I couldn’t describe the feel­ings of every Hajj rite. They are all emotional seeing myself taking the same path walked by the best of Mankind, Muham­mad (SAW), and praying at the Rawdah, the feeling was just so much. It was so exciting and something we all enjoyed.

“Upon sighting the Kaabah, I wanted to scream but I kept it calm with praises, alhamdulil­lah. I almost forgot what to be said upon citing the Kaabah, I was just screaming alhamdu­lillah, alhamdulillah, it was a dream come true.

“One of the things I love about the Arafat Hajj Mabrur’s guided to maximize the reward of Arafah Day. They explained to us why we don’t need to climb the mountain, saying prayers are also accepted on the plain of Arafat. The atmo­sphere in Arafat just unique and one could see the sign of prayers being answered.

“My message to Muslims across the world is that they should not postpone going for Hajj if they have the money. It is a pillar of Islam. We don’t have to wait till we get old­er before embarking on this spiritual journey because the younger you’re, the better the chances of doing it perfectly,” she added.

Saudi Arabia upgraded the standard of Hajj 2024: Oyinlola

The Operations Manager of Hajj Mabrur, Mr. Oyinlo­la AbdulHamid said there’s a substantial improvement in the services rendered by the Saudi Arabian authorities for this year hajj.

“This is our second day in Mina and I can tell you that it’s better than the previous year’s Hajj. There have been substantial improvements in the services by the Saudi gov­ernment to pilgrims in Mina. Our pilgrims have been enjoy­ing their stay and are very co­operative.

“We came with some respect­ed Muslim scholars in Nigeria to handle the spiritual diets for our pilgrims, with two lectures on a daily basis (morning and evening). Generally speaking, the standard of 2024 Hajj has been upgraded by the Author­ities, alhamdulillah. We can only pray that they will sustain the standard in the subsequent Hajj.”

The Operations Manager revealed that two other hajj companies, Markaz Haqq and Dwise, collaborated with Hajj Mabrur for the 2024 Hajj.

“Even though the fee for this year’s Hajj is double compared to last year, the pilgrims that came with Hajj Mabrur for this year’s Hajj are more than last year. We have a total of 400 pilgrims that came with Hajj Mabrur in collaboration with two other companies.

“According to Saudi stan­dards, for this year’s Hajj, only 40 private companies were approved and Hajj Mabrur is the leading company. Under Hajj Mabrur, we have two oth­er companies under us, which are Markaz Haqq and Dwise; and for this year’s Hajj, we have 400 pilgrims. 200 from Hajj Mabrur, 74 from Markaz Haqq and Dwise 126. Totaling 400.

“Talking about the facilities, the tent was well organised and we were given the 400 beds that we deserved. The air condition (AC) is working well and the food, we would appreciate more if they could serve us Nigeri­an meals, but so far, the meal served is better compared to last year’s Hajj.”

Hajj for us, is worship, not business: Alhaji Solate

In his remarks, the Manag­ing Director of Hajj Mabrur, Alhaji AbdulHameed Solate, said despite the economic downturn, especially the fluc­tuations in the exchange rate, they were able to fill their slot and maintain their standards in service delivery.

He also agreed that the Sau­di government has improved the services at Mina, Arafat and many other places for this year’s hajj.

“The Naira/Dollar issue has a great impact on Hajj. It brought up the fare. People pay between 8 to 10 million Naira and more depending on the package. Initially, we thought the increments will affect the number of participants for this year’s Hajj but a lot of people made it with us going by the value of services we have ren­dered in the past. We are still able to maintain the standard.

Last year, we came with 310 but this year, we exceeded that and alhamdulillah, we are able to give them the spiritual ful­fillment they desired.

“When you come for Hajj rites, starting from the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah, which begins with the movement to Mina, a lot of things are in the hands of Sau­di Authorities. One thing we observed for this year’s Hajj is that there is a clear improve­ment compared to what was obtainable last year.

“At Mina here, it was bet­ter. We went back to the usual tents we used to, unlike the new arrangement they tried to introduce last year, which ac­tually failed. Things get better this year. Rugs were replaced. Even on Arafat, there was im­provement. Although we had challenges with the AC due to high temperature, alhamdulil­lah, there was improvement that made it much easier for people to cope and able to do their act of Ibadah.”

The MD/CEO said Hajj Mabrur joined the hajj and um­rah industry some 23 years ago following an observation that people are not getting the right guidance for performing hajj.

“At Hajj Mabrur, our main goal is hospitality and spiritu­ality. That’s our focus and core value. We aren’t really in the Hajj industry for business as people call it, for us, we are in it for spirituality, because Hajj Mabrur is owned by an organ­isation that prioritises worship over money. That’s why we are rated as the number one oper­ator for Hajj 2024 during the screening done by NAHCON,” he said.

“We ensure people are guid­ed spiritually throughout Hajj rites. That’s why we organise a series of lectures to prepare their minds for the rigour of Hajj. We took them through the process and what they should do, we guided them on what to do.

“We organised individual and collective adhkaar for them at Arafat. We ensure people supplicate for themselves and engage in Ibadah. Towards magrib, we expected them to stand, face the qibla in line with what the Prophet, SAW, taught us, and supplicate to Allah.”

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