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Man stabbed 13 times in face, neck at Portland homeless transitional housing

nbc25news.com 5 days ago
A man in Portland homelessness transitional housing says he was stabbed 13 times by a resident who had previously made threats and caused problems - KATU
A man in Portland homelessness transitional housing says he was stabbed 13 times by a resident who had previously made threats and caused problems - KATU
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PORTLAND, Ore. — A man living in homeless transitional housing in North Portland is recovering - and traumatized - after he was stabbed 13 times in a brutal attack by another resident of the building.

Ronnie Rosling says he was walking his dog outside his apartment at 8550 N. Argyle St lat Monday. Ronnie, previously homeless, was living in the building as part of a transition into permanent housing. The facility is run by Transition Project (TPI), a Portland nonprofit that owns and manages multiple facilities oriented toward transitional housing for the homeless.

Rosling says that this suspect, identified as Brandon Lee in police reports, suddenly came up behind him and started stabbing him.

Rosling sustained over 13 stab wounds to his face, neck, chest, and arms.

The victim was taken to the hospital, while Lee was arrested shortly after.

A police affidavit states a witness of the attack was interviewed, who told officers she had seen Rosling and Lee arguing near the apartment. Rosling started to walk away when Lee pulled out a knife and ran up behind him, jumping on his back and stabbing him several times. The witness ran up to the men and started hitting Lee until he released Rosling, and says that Lee then told her "You're next, you better watch your eyes," before walking away.

Investigators say they were able to interview Rosling while he was hospitalized, and that Rosling told them he and Lee both lived in the transitional housing apartment complex - and that Lee had previously made multiple threats about stabbing people.

The detectives also reported Rosling clarified that he had confronted Lee about his threats to stab people - and that he also had a knife with him during the argument. Rosling told them that during the argument he threw a knife at Lee and then walked away, which is when Lee followed and attacked.

An affidavit says that surveillance footage from the complex shows the entire altercation, which captures:

  • Lee and Rosling are arguing in the stairwell of the apartment complex, while both are holding knives
  • Lee slashes his knife, a large butcher-style knife, towards Rosling
  • Rosling then throws two knives at Lee before walking away
  • Lee follows after Rosling for 30 to 40 feet, jumping on Rosling's back from behind and attempting to slit Rosling's throat with his knife
  • Both men go to the ground where Lee ends up on top of Rosling, punching Rosling multiple times and stabbing Rosling with the butcher knife

In an interview with investigators, Lee allegedly corroborated these events. According to the affidavit, he stated he had had an argument with Rosling and that both of them were armed with knives. Lee claimed Rosling threatened to shoot him, and threw a knife at him which struck his side. When Lee was arrested, police noted he was bleeding from this wound.

Lee said Rosling walked away and he followed from behind, tried to slice Rosling's throat, and stabbed Rosling multiple times.

The detective reports Lee told him he had been trying to kill Rosling.

KATU interviewed Ronnie Rosling about the attack and its effects on him and the transitional housing community. During the interview Ronnie, in large amounts of pain from the 13 stab wounds, broke down in tears several times. He showed a KATU photojournalist his injuries, including wounds so deep they still had stitches.

Ronnie says he has only been in the apartment a few short months, and described it as "awful."

He claims that Lee has previously threatened to rape another resident, threatened to stab others, stabbed walls, and flattened tires. Ronnie adds the management has done nothing about any problems despite numerous complaints, and has said nothing to him about the stabbing.

When asked about how he's faring after the attack, Ronnie told KATU he's upset.

After years of homelessness, this apartment was supposed to help him transition into permanent housing. Instead, he feels unsafe, and like he's been "abandoned by the city."

KATU tried to contact the TPI management while at the scene, but no one was available to talk.

As our KATU photojournalist left the scene, another resident approached and warned that there were "serious issues" at the building.

Brandon Kwok Lee has been charged with attempted murder, assault, and unlawful use of a weapon.

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