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The Assault On Nigeria's Ancient Kingdoms: A Threat To National Identity And Security By Amb Okereke Nnamdi Nwafor.

Sahara Reporters 2 days ago

Nigeria's rich cultural heritage and ancient kingdoms are under attack. State governors, elected to promote development and prosperity, have instead declared war on the traditional stools that have defined our nation's identity for centuries. 

Will we stand by and watch our cultural heritage crumble, or will we rise up and defend our ancient Kingdoms?

Nigeria's rich cultural heritage and ancient kingdoms are under attack. State governors, elected to promote development and prosperity, have instead declared war on the traditional stools that have defined our nation's identity for centuries. 

This brazen assault on our monarchies not only undermines our cultural legacy but also threatens national security.

For centuries, Nigeria's ancient kingdoms have played a significant role in shaping our nation's history, culture, and identity. The Arochukwu Kingdom in Abia State, the Benin Kingdom in Edo State, the Kano Emirate in Kano State, and the Sokoto Caliphate are all testaments to our rich cultural heritage. However, these same kingdoms are now facing unprecedented interference from state governors.

In Arochukwu, the governor's removal of the rightful Eze Aro IX, His Majesty Eze Godwin Kanu Idei, and installation of an unqualified successor, is a stark example of this abuse of power. The use of military and paramilitary force to intimidate the people and impose the governor's will is a grave violation of human rights and cultural autonomy. 

Similarly, in Edo State, the governor's attempt to reduce the power of the Oba by appointing Chiefs to head districts without traditional authority is a clear violation of Benin tradition. In Kano State, the dethroning of Emir Ado Bayero without just cause sets a dangerous precedent for the erosion of traditional authority. 

And in Sokoto State, the proposed bill to limit the Sultan's power to appoint district heads without government input is another example of executive overreach.

This systemic attack on our traditional institutions is not only an affront to our cultural heritage but also a threat to national security. For centuries, traditional rulers have played a vital role in maintaining peace and stability in their respective domains. They have served as custodians of culture, mediators of conflicts, and symbols of unity. 

Their authority is rooted in the trust and respect of their people, and they have used this influence to resolve disputes, promote understanding, and foster cooperation. By undermining their authority, State governors are not only disrespecting cultural heritage but also creating a power vacuum that can lead to chaos and insecurity.

In contrast, the British government has consistently demonstrated its respect and support for the monarchy, recognizing its vital role in national identity and stability. For instance, the Queen's annual birthday parade, Trooping the Colour, is a grand spectacle that showcases the pomp and pageantry of the British monarchy, with the full participation and support of the government. 

Similarly, the Queen's weekly meetings with the Prime Minister, known as the 'Audience', ensure that the monarch remains informed and engaged in matters of state. The government also provides significant funding for the upkeep of royal palaces and residences, acknowledging the cultural and historical significance of these symbols of national heritage. 

Furthermore, the British government has established institutions like the Crown Estate, which manages the monarch's properties and investments, generating revenue that benefits the nation as a whole. By showing such respect and support, the British government has ensured the continued relevance and importance of the monarchy in modern British society, a model that Nigeria would do well to follow in its treatment of traditional rulers.

We call on the Federal Government to intervene and protect our ancient kingdoms from this assault. We demand that State Governors respect and support our traditional rulers, just as the British Government respects and supports the Queen/King Charles III. Our monarchies are not relics of the past but vital institutions that must be preserved and strengthened for the future of Nigeria.

Specifically, we urge the Federal Government to:

- Enact legislation protecting the autonomy and authority of traditional rulers

- Establish a national council or agency to support and empower traditional rulers

- Provide funding for the upkeep of royal palaces and residences, acknowledging their cultural and historical significance

Let us rise in defense of our cultural heritage and national identity. Let us stand with our traditional rulers and demand an end to this assault on our ancient kingdoms. The future of Nigeria depends on it. Will we stand by and watch our cultural heritage crumble, or will we rise up and defend our ancient kingdoms? The choice is ours—to end this assault.

©️Amb Okereke Nnamdi Nwafor

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