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Biden/Trump: A Lesson in Disability Politics

dailykos.com 2 days ago
The elephant in the room - no pun intended. Photo from The Economist

Last night’s debate was a hot mess. Neither candidate performed well. The format was a clown show. No one’s mind was changed. If you were a Trumpster, you’re still a Trumpster. If you support President Biden, you still do. Independent voters are the most unlucky people on the planet – they get to choose between a matinée show of “Bullshit and Fuckery” and “Slow and Unfocused.”

Now, everyone’s got their two cents on why the debate was a disaster. But I want to bring up something that’s probably not being discussed: Biden's disability. Yeah, we all saw it. Imagine being President Biden – an octogenarian with a stutter, being hit in the face with the biggest amount of lies and falsehoods known to man by the biggest assclown known to man. It’s late. You’re loaded up on cold medicine trying to keep your nose from falling off. Your wife and the people you pay are your only friendly faces. And you’re tripping over your words. With your stutter. While the WORLD is watching. What do you do? 

Let’s get real for a second. Joe’s been dealing with that stutter his whole life. It's not just some little nervous quirk; it's a full-on battle. You try dealing with that under a spotlight brighter than the sun, while the other guy is lying like a he’s inset in Pinocchio’s asshole. It's a miracle he can say anything at all, much less hold it together enough to talk policy.

And can we talk about the age factor? My man Joe is over 80. Debating at his age is like asking your grandpa to run a marathon while reciting Shakespeare. He’s got the weight of the world on his shoulders and the flu to boot. Cold meds make you loopy at the best of times, let alone when you're up there with your adversary trying to trip you up at every turn. Y’all take a look at my #ForeverPresident – Barack Obama lost all of the color in his hair in the eight years he was in office. President Biden is upright. That’s a battle right there.

I don’t want to make excuses – he bombed this debate. But here’s where we need to put on our big girl panties and get serious. When it comes down to it, what’s more important: the way someone says something or what they’re actually saying? Biden’s got substance. His policies on healthcare, education, and disability rights? They’re solid. He’s thinking about how to make life better for people like us, and that’s no small feat.

Content Versus Delivery: The Substance of Leadership

Now, let's dive into the meat and potatoes of this issue: content versus delivery. Sure, a smooth talker can charm the socks off you, but if they're feeding you lies wrapped in pretty words, what good is that? We need to focus on what’s being said, not just how it's being said.

Biden's got a track record of pushing for policies that actually help people. Healthcare? He's working to expand it. Education? He wants to make it more accessible. Disability rights? He’s fighting for inclusivity. These are not just talking points; they're real issues that affect real lives. Biden's policies are designed to create a fairer, more equitable society.

Meanwhile, let’s take a closer look at his opponent. Charisma? Sure, he's got it in spades. He can talk circles around most people. But when you dig into what he’s actually saying, it’s like peeling an onion: layer after layer of nothing. He’s selling dreams and delivering nightmares. His policies are often built on lies, and he’s got a knack for dodging accountability like it’s an Olympic sport.

The Danger of Charismatic Deception

Charisma can be a powerful tool in politics, no doubt. It can inspire and mobilize people, make them feel hopeful and united. But it can also be a smoke screen. A charismatic leader who uses their charm to deceive can lead a nation down a very dangerous path. We've seen it before, time and time again. They promise the moon and stars, but what do we get? A big, fat nothing.

A charismatic liar is like a used car salesman trying to sell you a lemon. They’ll tell you it’s the best deal in town, but as soon as you drive off the lot, the transmission blows. The same thing happens in politics. Charismatic leaders who lie and deceive can cause real harm, eroding trust in institutions, dividing communities, and making decisions that hurt the very people they promised to help. I can name several politicians just where I live who have been in office for decades, but have done nothing of substance in office past charismatic waves and empty track records…but I’m not one to gossip…

The Role of Empathy and Understanding

Let’s switch gears for a moment and talk about empathy and understanding. Joe’s got a stutter, and he’s never shied away from it. In fact, he’s been pretty open about his struggles. That takes guts. And it shows he’s human. I’ve had the opportunity to meet this man twice. I watched him show empathy to my daughter. I saw kindness in his eyes. He knows what it’s like to face challenges, and that gives him a level of empathy that’s often missing in politics.

When you’ve walked a mile in someone else’s shoes, you understand their struggles a bit better. Joe’s stutter isn’t just a hurdle he’s overcome; it’s a testament to his resilience. It’s a part of his story, and it makes him relatable. He’s not some polished, perfect politician. He’s real. And that realness translates into policies that are designed to help real people.

Contrast that with the other guy. He’s smooth, he’s polished, but there’s a disconnect. It’s like he’s playing a role, not living a life. There’s a lack of empathy, a lack of understanding of what everyday folks go through. I don’t know what words would come out of my mouth if I met this man. Honestly, I’d just pray that there wasn’t a chancla close by. When you’re more concerned with looking good than doing good, that’s a problem.

The Broader Context of Disability in Politics

Let’s broaden the lens a bit. Joe isn’t the only politician who’s had to deal with a disability. Think about Franklin D. Roosevelt, who led the nation from a wheelchair. Or Tammy Duckworth, a veteran and double amputee. These leaders have shown incredible resilience and capability despite their physical challenges.

Their stories highlight the importance of inclusivity and representation in politics. We need leaders who understand the diverse experiences of the people they serve. Leaders with disabilities bring a unique perspective to the table. They know firsthand what it’s like to face barriers and overcome them. That perspective is invaluable when crafting policies that aim to create a more inclusive society.

Media Representation and Public Perception

The media plays a huge role in shaping public perception of candidates with disabilities. And let’s be real, they don’t always get it right. Sensationalist reporting and a focus on perceived weaknesses can perpetuate stereotypes and stigmas. But responsible journalism can educate the public about the realities of living with a disability and the strengths that individuals bring to their roles despite these challenges.

Coverage of Biden's stutter, for example, could be an opportunity to discuss the nature of stuttering, its impact on communication, and the strategies used to manage it. This could foster a more informed and empathetic audience, reducing the stigma associated with speech disorders.

The Pressure Cooker of Debates

Political debates are designed to test candidates' abilities to think on their feet, articulate their policies, and respond to opponents. However, the high-pressure environment can be particularly challenging for individuals with disabilities. The need to perform perfectly, without hesitation or error, places an unfair burden on those who may already be managing significant personal challenges.

For Biden, the pressure to avoid stuttering during a debate can detract from his ability to focus on the substance of the discussion. This focus on performance over content can skew public perception, leading to judgments based on delivery rather than the merits of the arguments presented. I mean, put yourself in President Biden’s shoes – what is an accommodation for a stutter in a debate? Is there a charisma interpreter that can read what President Biden is saying while his Chief of Staff types? I’m just saying…

The Intersection of Politics and Disability Rights

The experiences of politicians with disabilities also shed light on the broader issue of disability rights. Policies that promote accessibility, inclusion, and support for individuals with disabilities are crucial for creating a society where everyone can participate fully and equally.

Biden's presidency has seen efforts to advance disability rights, including initiatives to improve healthcare, increase funding for special education, and promote employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. These policies reflect a recognition of the importance of inclusivity and the need to address systemic barriers faced by disabled individuals.

Advocating for Change

Advocacy for disability rights is not just the responsibility of policymakers but of society as a whole. Increasing awareness, challenging stereotypes, and promoting inclusivity are steps that can be taken at all levels, from individual interactions to institutional policies.

Public figures like Biden, who openly discuss their disabilities, play a vital role in this advocacy. By sharing their experiences, they can inspire others, reduce stigma, and promote a more inclusive society. Their visibility can also lead to greater representation and understanding of disability issues in the public sphere.

Evaluating Leadership Qualities

When assessing a leader, it is crucial to weigh both content and delivery, but with a clear understanding that content should hold greater importance. A leader's ability to articulate their vision is important, but the vision itself—its feasibility, ethical foundation, and alignment with the nation's best interests—should be the primary criterion for evaluation.

For a candidate like Biden, whose stutter may affect his delivery, it is important to consider the resilience and determination he has demonstrated in overcoming this challenge. His ability to communicate effectively despite his stutter speaks to his perseverance and commitment—qualities that are essential in a leader.

Conversely, a leader whose delivery is smooth but whose content is fundamentally flawed or dishonest poses a threat to democratic principles and effective governance. The impact of their policies, rather than their rhetorical flourish, will ultimately shape the nation's future.

The Role of Voters

Voters have a critical role in discerning the true qualities of their leaders. This requires looking beyond the superficial aspects of debates and speeches and delving into the substance of candidates' platforms. It involves critical thinking and a willingness to question and verify the information presented.

Education and media literacy are key components in empowering voters to make informed decisions. Understanding the mechanics of persuasion, recognizing logical fallacies, and being aware of cognitive biases can help voters see through charismatic deception and focus on the substance of what is being proposed.

Disability and Authentic Leadership

Leaders with disabilities often bring a unique perspective to their roles. Their experiences can foster greater empathy, resilience, and a commitment to inclusivity. These qualities are invaluable in addressing the diverse needs of a nation's population.

Biden's openness about his stutter not only humanizes him but also aligns with broader efforts to destigmatize disabilities. His leadership exemplifies how individuals with disabilities can not only participate in but also excel in public life, contributing meaningfully to society.

Prioritizing Substance in Leadership

While delivery can enhance the effectiveness of communication, it is the content of a leader's policies and their commitment to the public good that truly matter. A leader with a known disability, who offers substantive and thoughtful policies, embodies the principles of resilience, empathy, and integrity. In contrast, a charismatic leader who engages in deception, regardless of their delivery skills, undermines democratic values and poses a risk to the nation's well-being.

As voters and citizens, prioritizing substance over style is essential for ensuring that leadership is rooted in genuine commitment to the country's best interests. By focusing on the content of candidates' policies and their integrity, rather than being swayed by charisma alone, we can contribute to a more informed, just, and inclusive society.

At the end of the day, it’s about more than just words. It’s about actions, policies, and the real impact on people’s lives. So, next time you see Joe up there, stumbling through a debate, remember what he stands for. Remember that he’s fighting for us, even if his words don’t come out perfect. Because let me tell you, a stutter and some cold meds are nothing compared to the lies and deceit we’ve been fed before. We need real, honest leadership. And that’s worth more than all the charisma in the world. Plus, I’d much rather have a President who had a bad day at a debate, than a racist moron who mocks the disabled and takes advantage of the weak.

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