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Kano CP seeks collaboration to combat insecurity

tribuneonlineng.com 4 days ago

The new Kano Commissioner of Police ( CP) Mr Salman Dogo Garba has said that no stand-alone agency can claim the monopoly of effective security, hence, the need for all residents to rally round the command to tackle security challenges facing the state.

Making this known on Wednesday in Kano, during his maiden press conference, Mr Garba said “God willing, to the best of our abilities as a team, we will replicate this gesture by ensuring effective and qualitative service delivery to ensure security of lives and properties”

“We can suppress security challenges, build bridges, and ensure that the Police serve as a beacon of trust and excellence. Let us unite to make our community a safer and a harmonious place for all.

“The security of life and property is our primary concern, and we will work according to the provision of the law.”

“I assumed duty at a time when the State is the talk of the day and is confronted with a spate of security challenges; including the resurgence of thuggery (Daba) activities in some parts of Kano Metropolis.

“We have already developed an action plan that revolved around collaborative policing after carefully studying the trend of the crime pattern.

“Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, in line with the directive, vision, and mission of the Inspector-General of Police, Kano State Police Command under my supervision, will be committed to creating a safe and more secure environment where residents can thrive, businesses can flourish and visitors can feel welcome to the State.

“To achieve this, we have mapped out strategies to ensure peaceful Kano State as follows;

“Robust Community Policing Engagements, synergy with Other security agencies and community stakeholders.”

He also disclosed that the command would make use of Technology in Investigations and Operations, professionalism and Accountability, and strategic communication in public enlightenment and sensitisation.

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