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Young people are done with politics and when I asked them why there was a stark sense of despair that scares me for our future

walesonline.co.uk 2024/10/5

After speaking to several young people about politics- I left with an overwhelming feeling that we should all be more bothered about how it is impacting us.

Reporter Bethany Gavaghan standing by wall
Politics is on everyone's minds at the moment- especially if you're a young person living in the UK

If you have spent any time with anyone under the age of 30 recently it is not hard to work out that we are a little bit jaded with the world. And with just days to go before the General Election, I recently spent some time with several young people I’d never met before at the Wales Millennium Centre to find out exactly what the impact of this is.

What is firstly the most apparent is that anyone under the age of 25 in particular has been done a bit of a disservice when it comes to entering the adult world. No one asked us for our views on Brexit and we are now feeling the effects of this. No one could prepare us for finishing our education or sitting exams during a pandemic. And certainly no one has helped us to handle the pinch of the cost of living crisis while entering the workforce at such a politically turbulent time.

The problem? Young people feel like the government doesn’t care about them. For the latest Welsh news delivered to your inbox sign up to our newsletter

Ruby Llewelyn, who is about to go to Cardiff university to study politics and journalism and believes that more policies need to be geared towards supporting young people
Ruby Llewelyn, who is about to go to Cardiff university to study politics and journalism and believes that more policies need to be geared towards supporting young people

“We’re just going to boil to death”, 18-year-old Ruby Llewelyn stated. She is about to go to Cardiff University to study politics and journalism and is fed up with a whole lot of things when it comes to politics. Her viewpoint is hard to listen to when I meet her three days before the General election because it’s raw, real and an indication of how rapidly so much is slipping away from us.

Considering why young people currently feel so alienated by the government - Ruby - who has been on a gap year working at Penta Primary School - said: “As an emerging professional and as an 18-year-old in the working world, I don't see any party that's particularly appealing to a youth audience. I don't think in their party manifestos or in any campaign trail that there are any youth facing policies or any attempt at all to try and engage a younger audience in their policymaking.

“I think a lot of the problems that young people face are not addressed, like the transport infrastructure issues or the student loan issues and things like that, but nobody's bothering to try and tackle that or mention that.

“Especially with the political decisions that are being made now- if you don’t address that we’re just going to boil to death, like- we’ll just cook. Every policy affects my life, but there are certain things like the funding cuts in youth services that have really impacted me. Where am I supposed to go if I’m struggling at school and I’m struggling at home, for instance.

“Where am I supposed to go? Who am I supposed to talk to? Policymakers and politicians are always saying- kids are always on their phones. But the reason the kids are always on their phones talking to strangers on the internet is because they can't talk to the people who live on the street anymore is because all the meeting places are gone and then you demonise them the minute they do go outside.

“I go on social media because I want to see what's happening. We’re one of the most educated generations, in the sense that we've grown up with the internet in many different forms. It’s all out there now."

Listening to Ruby's words and reflecting on my own life and people I have met, is that what is really clear is that the discourse between people in power and young people is that there has been a total breakdown in communication. And add in a whirlwind of voices and content which are consumed by millions which leave you not knowing who or what you can trust and it's left some people feeling the need to disconnect entirely.

Mackenzie Steed, 22, has found it difficult to form a political opinion because of the whirlwind that is social media
Mackenzie Steed, 22, has found it difficult to form a political opinion because of the whirlwind that is social media

22-year-old Mackenzie Steed, from Newport does not have TikTok, and to protect her mental health recently - she has taken a step back from politics and trying to form a strong opinion about what is going on. Mackenzie, who is an emerging creative artist and support worker for adults with additional learning needs said: "I feel pressure to have an opinion on politics. But actually when you look at the influence of social media, every time I open Facebook or Instagram I'm just seeing memes of politicians accusing politicians of being liars or fabricating the truth.

"And as someone who has anxiety myself I don't want that to impact my life. It almost feels like it is so noisy that I just want to drown that noise out. I've tried to become impartial and it's not because I don't care about my country because I do but it's because politics is overbearing when it comes to people's opinions on social media and it's really draining on our mental health.

"In order for me to feel safe and comfortable I am going to withdraw but I know that when I get to like 30 or 40 I am going to have to have a political view much stronger than I do now. I am in a position right now where I still live with my parents so I know things like tax will overpower my life because I've seen that happening with my parents.

"It just feels like things have shifted so much now and it is hard to keep up. I remember especially in lockdown and one thing my brother said to me when I said; 'what is going to happen to the world?' and he said; 'the world has changed forever' and I had a panic attack that day.

"Everything that's happening now it is really damaging with a large amount of conspiracy theories and it is all-consuming so it just leaves you wanting to disconnect. Young people, we need things that we can trust in because we are the ones that are going to be left to deal with it."

Meeting Mackenzie I could empathise with her hesitancy to have a strong opinion about what is going on in the world. We are all having to double check what has built our opinions up and be meticulous with our sources for information. I am guilty of being so scared to say the wrong thing that it is has become easier to keep my views to myself a lot of the time with regards to politics.

Teenager Gwydion Kempson - who is adamant that more youg people d
15-year-old Gwydion Kempson believes more teenagers and young people deserve to be taught more about politics

15-year-old Gwydion Kempson, from Newport is looking ahead - and one of his biggest goals is to have his own family but believes more needs to be done to improve people's awareness of what is going on and how to plan for the future. Considering the state of the UK at the moment, Gywdion believes that more children and teenagers need to be taught about what is going on at school to improve young people's understanding of the political landscape.

He said: "Eventually I'll have to vote and none of what is going at the moment feels like it helps people my age. There isn't something to help children understand, either. Politics isn't really taught that well. It was just something we are kind of told will happen in the future and we'll know what to do."

Gwydion, who is now home-schooled has tried to look to deepen his understanding of politics in his own time, but believes that other young people need to be kept more informed about what is going on. He said: "When I was in school it was never addressed.

"The only time it was addressed was during Brexit because that was a big thing- I was in year four at the time and nobody really discussed how it was going to affect us. I just remembered people saying we were leaving the European Union and I didn't know what that was because we hadn't been taught anything. I had to learn it myself or ask my parents."

Thinking about teenagers like Gwydion, who are intelligent and clearly have bright prospects head of them - it's hard not to experience a sense of disappointment that they have been made to feel so let down at such a young age. But with words like Brexit and pandemic a normal part of teenagers' vocabulary- it's easy to see why they are concerned. They have become accustomed to chaos.

Curious about the bigger picture, I asked Gwydion if thought teenagers felt positive about politics at all and his reply said it all. He noted: "I'd say the ones that give politics attention are interested in it but don't ever get to share their voice which is what puts them off.

"It is an adults sport in a way, because it is just playing the fields to try and get their way. With people my age I'd say it's something we're expected to know all the stuff by the age of 18 without anyone actually telling us what is going on. It never makes any sense."

The government has repeatedly let young people down for the last decade, and in turn- young people are switching off and don't want to hear it any more. One person who knows the impact recent policies have had on people first hand is 28-year-old Stacey Brown, who is a producer at the Wales Millennium Centre and is part of the creative learning team.

Woman in the Wales Millenium Centre- Stacey Brown- who believes that the arts need to be protected to a higher level in Wales
Stacey Brown, who believes that the arts need to be protected to a higher level in Wales

Speaking to Stacey, I felt genuinely moved by her passion for working in the creative sector and could see how much it meant to her. When I met her, I got to watch some the centre's playwriting workshop (Soho Theatre Writing Workshop, which takes place on Mondays), and watching how she interacted with the young attendees was a reminder of just what workshops like this do - and something we never really see politicians talking about.

Everyone that stepped into the room instantly lit up, and it was clear to see they felt safe, seen and connected - all of the things which youths seem to inherently lack right now in a digital age and a time of political unrest. The idea of places like this not existing in Wales is quite simply not really worth thinking about.

Stacey said: "Young people need the arts. I've been here for two and a half years and it's really hit home to us because we had to stop activity for like three months because we were in really challenging circumstances so that was pretty difficult.

"Over the years it has become apparent that politicians were trying to do more to support the schools because they were struggling but it's still not enough. And it's not as consistent as it needs to be."

Considering the impact politics is having on teenagers, and young adults right now, she added: "As part and parcel of conversations, feels quite disconcerting at the minute with the current political climate and slightly scary. I think because I come from a place of wanting to secure young people's futures, there was an interesting question at one debate talking about the lack of care for the next generation, and young people being at the forefront of everything and the lack of trust that there is.

"They don't feel supported or that they are being cared for. I know that they are trying to create jobs through things like solar energy but that's not what a lot of young people want to do. What about the arts?

"Especially in this sector there's no talk around what's the next thing and how we're going to save the arts in Wales. I'm trying to be as up to date as possible but it doesn't seem like there's a surge of wanting to put that at the forefront of anything."

To me, one thing that is blindingly obvious whenever I speak to other people in their twenties right now is that the quality of life is just not good enough. Most of us know that unless we have prior savings, or live at home- it's impossible to buy a house unless you are on a really high salary and money comes and goes like the sun trying to make a brief appearance in the UK.

We know that we will be working much further into the future (way past when our parents or grandparents retired). And throw climate change into the mix and we're painting a pretty pessimistic outlook on life.

I am aware it is not all doom and gloom. There many things we do have to be grateful living in the UK. There are many countries where life is much harder and I am personally a strong believer that money is never going to buy you happiness- but it feels wrong that so many young people are anxious about paying bills, or affording rent when they are working full time compared to previous generations and in a country which only truly favours the rich.

It's no wonder politicians are no longer taken seriously by young people. I think the danger we now face is that more young people will be disconnecting entirely. For change to happen, and for a better discourse between people in power and young people to be established- they need to feel seen.

"It's all out there." Ruby's words have echoed in my mind for the last 48 hours and from where I am standing- it's never been more obvious to me that politicians have nowhere to hide when it comes to how they treat younger generations. And whatever happens beyond the General Election is completely crucial in terms of helping everyone live with more faith in the government, which has let young people down one too many times, and they are not putting up with it any more.

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