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Gen Z rejects President Ruto’s offer which they claim is ill timed

kdrtv.co.ke 4 days ago
Gen Z Kenya

We Reject  your statement which you have delivered to the nation accompanied by suspicious characters. We therefore wish to state as follows:

  1. The timing is LATE. we crossed the Rubicon River yesterday inspired by Alexander the great. This decision came when we released a 7days schedule. Within this duration, a few things have changed.
  2. The death of our martyr, kidnapping and torment of our comrades, abduction of the innocent, the infiltration of our camp on the streets and the blatant arrogance of the MPs. It is in this context that our goal has shifted to REJECT BILL AND WILL.
  3. You have entirely missed the point of our discontentment. Whereas you seem to think that our problem is with a document, we have a problem with the post-colonial systems and structures operating for the last 61 years. These structures have created such an unbalanced society of haves and have-not. It behooves our minds how a highly educated populace is languishing in poverty whereas there is a small group of elites who controls more than 90% of our economy.
  1. We are shocked that the top five ways to get wealthy are as follows in this order: a) inheritance, b) tender-prenuership, c) civil service d) diaspora remittances and e) wash wash. If you listened keenly to our cry, we are unable to correlate the wealth in the hands of class eight dropouts, persons with no known services or product in the market and the lack of wealth of those in genuine trade activities.
  1. We are equally shocked that meritocracy has no place in this society. Our nation has extolled the practice of patronage so highly that qualifications do not matter at all. You don’t have to look very far from your cabinet and other appointments to see this reality.
  1. We equally highlighted the blatant display of opulence by your people with utter disregard to our pleas. Your, people’s donations in church events, and their collection of toys ranging from high-end vehicle, expensive leather belts and designers clothing is shocking. Such behaviors coming from a government calling for austerity measures is quite telling.
  1. The context of your statement is quite telling. You missed the point when you got accompanied by the same people who earlier today authorized the KDF to be on the streets just before their appearance at your press briefing. These are the same people who have made parliament to be a laughingstock of the entire world. Allegations of bribes are rife within their ranks. Indeed, when a journalist asked about development today, they mockingly laughed at us. The dishonesty in their ranks, their attitude and general demeanor is a shame to the title honorable!
  1. At no point did you address the way forward on important national issues such as resources embezzlement. Some of those who have pending court cases are your appointees to various offices. Working for you is a sure bet that corruption cases would be dropped either immediately or in the near future. Your tentacles have spread in all arms of government leading to erosion of trust. In the light of these realities we are not convinced of the honesty of your statement. Your concessions were made in bad faith! We are therefore persuaded that we cannot trust you. You have lost all legitimacy to govern. As such the only logical end to our aspirations is to REJECT BOTH THE BILL AND WILL-iam. Therefore, we wish to notify you that our resolve shall remain unbroken. Our ultimate goal is for you to tender your resignation.

Signed GEN-Z.

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