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M23 Rebels in Rapid Advance to Butembo after Capture of Kanyabayonga

chimpreports.com 3 days ago
An M23 rebel in eastern Congo. (Internet photo).

The M23 rebels have advanced far north of Eastern Congo with the view of seizing the strategic town of Butembo. 

The insurgents on Friday captured Kanyabayonga after two weeks of intense fighting with government forces. 

M23’s spokesperson, Willy Ngoma told residents this Saturday morning to “stop fleeing from areas we have liberated because we want to go as far as Kinshasa,” adding, “You can’t be on the run forever.”

He also assured residents of security, adding, “FARDC (Congolese soldiers) are on the run and we will defeat them.”

Kanyabayonga, a home to over 60,000 people, is a strategic town as it lies on the northern front of the war in North Kivu province.

The town is the gateway to the major commercial towns of Butembo and Beni territory.

The capture of Kanyabayonga is a huge victory for the rebels, who are reportedly backed by Rwanda. Kigali denies the charge. 

Informed officials disclosed that Kanyabayonga was captured by over 4,000 rebels after besieging the town for several days.

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Gen Chico

Upon receiving intelligence reports that rebels were planning a massive assault on Kanyabayonga, the head of military operations in the North Kivu province, Major General Chico Tshitambwe on Tuesday asked his superiors in Kinshasa for reinforcement. 

However, the logistics and military personnel required to defend Kanyabayonga did not arrive on time. 

It’s reported that an M23 rebel sniper shot dead one of the key commanders of Wazalendo paramilitary force, sending the fighters into disarray. 

The rebels quickly advanced and took Kanyabayonga. Congolese forces are said to be located about 20 kms from Kanyabayonga where they are planning a counter offensive.

Yet, the M23 rebels are now advancing northwards with Butembo being their next target. 

Local authorities said they had alerted Kinshasa to quickly deploy enough manpower to thwart the rebel’s advance. 

Butembo is a major commercial city in the Democratic Republic of Congo, located in North Kivu. 

It is located in the northeast of the country, on the Rwenzori graben and to the west of the Virunga National Park, more or less 140 km from the city of Kanyabayonga. 

Butembo is the political stronghold of the former Congolese minister of state Minister of Regional Integration Mbusa Nyamwisi.

Several businessmen from the country come from Butembo. 

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