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Fate wants us apart but our destiny is the same (Part 1)

vocal.media 2 days ago

A world where humans are forbidden to interact with vampires, here they are killed by humans as they are seen as a threat to the human life, but somehow some of them escape from this cruel place and start living secretly. A human who had encounter this deadly scene of blood splashing all over the place. One day she bump into some guys on her way to class. They don't know what their future holds for them but they are also not aware of the fact that their past also holds some of the secrets.

In the shadows of a city where humans and vampires existed in a delicate balance enforced by fear and bloodshed. They say when something is forbidden there has to be a particular reason behind the forbidden fruit. The world where the human life felt threaten by the existence of those demonly creatures that were considered forfeit for endangering the humanity.

All of the vampires were killed by the civilians living but somehow few vampires escape from their grasp and vanish somewhere like they never existed, they were never found again after that as if they disappear in the thin air or vanish from the whole divine universe. From then on the people of this world made a rule where no human could interact with any being except their own specie, fair enough right? but there was someone who was unable to follow the rule which leads her on to something unexcepted.

Centuries have passed, the world was finally getting closer to becoming a peaceful place where the humanity seems to embrace each other. The weather was warm for the mother nature to just produce enough warmth for the lives living in it. The clouds were splattered on the sky like a beautiful portrait. A young lady who looked like she was in her early 20's, swirl with the wind and rushed to her way towards her work site. She was late on her shift, her manager would most probably kill her. As she entered in the bookstore, her eyes were met with a look of disguise or disappointment...? "Seraphina! You are early" Louise his Manager spoke with saracasm dripping down his tone. "I am sorry sir I can explain-" he cut her off by saying: "You will work past your hours and close the store." What was she going to say? Seraphina was just an employee who was working cause she needed money for her own expenses. The poor girl looked down as she nodded embarrassingly. "Why he always be rude with me?" Seraphina asked herself while arranging the books according to the list provided to her. She worked but mumbled something to herself as an act of frustration. As time passed she got done with her shift but she has to over work today.... "Ugh!" exclaimed Seraphina. It was around 8:25 PM but the book store closes at 11:00 PM. As now there were not even some costumers only few were sitting and barely reading books, all of them had mobile phones and their laptops with them. Why they come at a book store if they have to be on their digital gadgets all the damn time. Seraphina stood up from her place and roam around to have some activity. She went through the shelfs she just arranged as she was going through it, her eyes caught a glance of a book named, "Forbidden Blood". Seraphina wanted to read this book as this is the first time she has seen this book here, even though she had just arranged this shelf, this book never really caught her eye. She leap forward to take the book, just as she took it, she felt a strange tingling feeling in her body, she shrugged it off as she made her way to the platform she was sitting on. Just as she open the book, an ounce of dust met her nostrils, she coughed and sneezed. The book seems like it was opened hundreds of year ago. Seraphina blew the dust off the book and opened to get her eyes locked on the page where some creatures were drawn from....blood? The book had a weird smell too. Seraphina look over the drawings that had some demonic things like horns, fangs, wings? A confused look spread all over her face, as she turn the pages more her curiosity grew on her. The first page had the title "Forbidden". As she start reading the words, "The hell is far better place than this world, our life was never considered as the living". Seraphina stopped reading as she thought about the sentence again. "OUR?". She turn over the book and looked at it's publication date, "1628?" she asked herself, "Is this some kind of joke?" Any book that is present here is not this old. She was about to open the book again but stopped with the voice of her manager.

Louise: You can go home.

Seraphina: But I have to complete this extra shift?

Louise: Don't do the shift, I can do that and today there are not much customers!

Saying this Louise made his way to where he was, Seraphina stood there confused but happy too cause she won't have to work extra. She packed her bag and took her stuff, her eyes landed on the book, she don't even know why but she just grabbed the book before leaving the store. It was kind of dark right now, the moon was shining bright above her head, the shadows speaking luminous words. She was walking on the side and not much people were there. "Ouch!" a yelp left her mouth as she fell on the ground after bumping into some guys, her hands leaving the stuff that she was holding as she caresses her hips. "Are you okay?" A young gentleman from them towering her as he bought his hands out to pull her off the ground. Seraphina looked up and took his hand. "I-Im fine" "Are you sure... Seraphina?". Seraphina looked at him as she thought how does he know her name. "Your tag" That same dude speak. She look at her tag that had her name, she sighed softly, somewhat relaxed that he was not some stalker. "Oh" As Seraphina looked around to get her stuff, another boy from them lean forward and handed her the book but before he gave that he stopped on his tracks. He glance at the book and then at his fellows. They were 4 of them. "Where did you find this book?" The man asked her as she did'nt reply cause why would she to a total stranger..

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