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6 Manifestation Methods to Help You Get What You Want

merakilane.com 1 day ago
6 Manifestation Methods to Help You Get What You Want | Manifestation is having a moment and there are so many ways to do it - the 3-6-9 method, future scripting, making a vision board, practicing gratitude, visualization, positive affirmations, and more. It's all about figuring out what you want - a job promotion, more money, your dream house, a strong relationship, travel - and bringing it into existence. Not sure how to manifest what you want? This post has all the details!

Manifestation is having a moment. The spiritual practice is all about figuring out what you want for your own life, whether it’s a promotion at your job, your dream house, or an amazing relationship, and bringing it into existence. Many experts believe that anyone can manifest their goals and dreams by practicing certain techniques, and we’re all for it. That’s why we compiled six of the most popular manifestation methods to help you create your ideal future life and self.

What Is Manifestation?

Manifestation is the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts with the purpose of making them real. It’s a self-help exercise that focuses your thoughts on a desired outcome to try to bring them into reality. Manifestation has roots in the 19th century New Thoughts spiritual movement, which included the belief that our thoughts, particularly positive thinking, could influence the material world. The law of attraction also comes into play, which is the belief that the more you focus on something, the more you’ll attract it into your life. Manifestation has seen a surge of interest lately (the hashtag #Manifesting has amassed over 164 million posts on Tiktok and counting). We have to admit, the idea that you can work with the universe to draw out a desired outcome sounds pretty incredible to us.

What Can Manifestation Be Used For?

Manifestation can be used for pretty much anything:

  • Business/career
  • Success
  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Love life
  • Money
  • Travel
  • Home
  • Family

Does Manifestation Work?

Manifestation works if you do. You can’t simply say affirmations or journal and expect things to happen. Once you’ve figured out what you want to manifest, you then have to take steps to get you there. You have to create a vision for the future, put energy and intention into creating that reality, and then align your thoughts, emotions, and actions so that your vision can come to life. Once you begin to think like the person you want to be, you need to start to feel and behave like that version of yourself. You have to start to behave according to the new image of yourself rather than the old patterns and programs.

Our thoughts are incredibly powerful and strongly believing that you can achieve your goals can help you focus your energy and attention towards them. You have a much greater chance at success if you believe you can do something and set your mind to it. What people get wrong about manifesting is thinking that it requires no real change on their part, but it does. You have to align your thoughts and behaviour with your future self- taking action is everything.

6 Manifestation Methods to Help You Get What You Want

1. Create a Vision Board
Vision boarding is one of the most popular methods of manifestation. To create a vision board, you gather photos and words or quotes about the things you want to manifest and place them on a board- it can be a physical or digital board. For example, let’s say you want to manifest your dream job, you can place photos of the company’s branding, words that describe your ideal position, outfits you would wear to work, affirmations such as “I am capable and deserving of my dream career”, etc. onto the board. Place the board where you’ll see it daily to keep your goal at front of mind and motivate you to work toward it.

2. The 3-6-9 Method
The 3-6-9 manifestation method involves writing down your goals three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon and nine times at night. This technique is designed to help you attract what you want into your life by using intention and focused repetition. We tend to attract what we give our attention to, and the numbers 3,6, and 9 are powerful in numerology. 3 represents our connection to the universe and creative self-expression, 6 represents our inner strength and harmony, and 9 represents our inner rebirth and changing into who we are becoming.

3. Journaling (Future Scripting)
Journaling is super powerful, as it can help you understand yourself better, show gratitude, and boost mindfulness. Future scripting is a type of manifestation journaling that can trick your brain into thinking you’ve already accomplished your goals. Write a journal entry from the point of view of your future self, writing about what you want in the present tense as if you already have it. While journaling, focus on your feelings when imagining having everything you want. Allow yourself to sit in the happiness and gratitude of living your dream life.

4. Visualization
Visualization manifestation is incredibly effective because your mind can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what you visualize. To practice visualization, it’s super important to create a clear, detailed mental image of what you want. Imaging exactly what you want will trick your brain into believing that you already have it. For example, let’s say you want to manifest your dream home. Get clear on what you want the layout to be, what type of style your home will have, and what furniture will be in each room, and visualize it regularly. Imagine how you’ll feel once you’re in your dream home and bring forth the version of you that’s going to live there.

5. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude is a strong mental tool that creates an abundance mindset, which is the belief that there’s always enough of everything to go around. Believing that there’s an abundance of whatever you’re seeking, whether it’s love, money, or success, creates positive energy that you can channel towards achieving your dream life. When you wake up in the morning, write down five to ten things that you’re grateful for. Knowing the value of what you already have will help bring more positivity into your life.

6. Positive Affirmations
Repeating positive affirmations throughout the day can help you rewire certain thought patterns and attract your desired reality. Negative thought patterns can block manifestations, and affirmations can help you unlearn those patterns.

Your subconscious mind is responsible for creating your reality and is shaped by your beliefs and thoughts. When you repeat positive affirmations, such as “everything I want is already on its way to me”, “good things are happening everyday in my life”, and “I am a money magnet”, you’re sending a message to your subconscious mind that you already have what you desire. This can make it easier to attract what you want into your life.

If manifestation has piqued your interest, try out these methods to help you get everything you desire.

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6 Manifestation Methods to Help You Get What You Want | Manifestation is having a moment and there are so many ways to do it - the 3-6-9 method, future scripting, making a vision board, practicing gratitude, visualization, positive affirmations, and more. It's all about figuring out what you want - a job promotion, more money, your dream house, a strong relationship, travel - and bringing it into existence. Not sure how to manifest what you want? This post has all the details!

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