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150+ "Fun Facts About Me" to Use During Those Awkward First Encounters

bestlifeonline.com 2 days ago

Sharing a few personal details about yourself is a great way to break the ice.

man running a work meeting where they must include a few 'fun facts about me'
Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Whether we're prepared or not, there are certain times in life when we need to share some things about ourselves. It could be a job interview; it could be a first date. It could be a dinner party or just a way to end an awkward silence. In any case, for certain social interactions, it's best to have a little something personal in your back pocket that you're ready to reveal. Because, really, the only thing worse than being caught off-guard by a request for a fun fact is coming across as boring. To help you avoid that label, we've put together over 150 "fun facts about me" to use in any number of scenarios.

Why Are Fun Facts Such Great Ice Breakers?

Not only does sharing a few fun facts about yourself help expedite the "getting to know you" process, but it also helps set boundaries and expectations for the conversation to follow. These interactions also fall under the umbrella of social learning, a behavioral theory that new behaviors can be learned by observing, imitating, and modeling after others.

In the workplace, this model is thought to help employees gain new skills they haven't been formally trained on. It's also a way to pool together everyone's talents.

During more personal encounters, sharing a fact about oneself can help people more quickly adopt the social norms needed for a successful exchange. And that's something that proves especially important during your first time meeting someone new.

Three Quick Tips for Choosing Fun Facts About Yourself

Keep it clean.

If you're in a position where you feel the need to offer up fun, interesting facts about yourself, then it's safe to say you're not hanging around with people you know very well. First introductions are always a little awkward, so don't make things even weirder by going beyond what your conversation partner is comfortable discussing.

Be relatable.

Showing up with a fun fact about yourself is a great way to disclose some information about your personal life, but you don't want to dominate the exchange. Stick to disclosures that allow for some back and forth.

Keep it brief.

Brevity is also important to factor in here. While we're sure every fun fact about you is backed by an even more interesting story, it's important to know when to stop talking. Give everyone else a chance to share and wrap it up before your audience starts getting bored.

Random Fun Facts About You

two men and two women drinking coffee and having a friendly conversation together
Ground Picture/Shutterstock
  1. My favorite ice cream flavor is…
  2. The first car I drove was a…
  3. My favorite movie is…
  4. My favorite food is…
  5. I'm practically addicted to…
  6. My childhood nickname was…
  7. I met my best friend when I was…
  8. My first concert was…
  9. My celebrity crush is…
  10. Someone I'm guarenteed to have a good laugh with is…
  11. My childhood celebrity crush was…
  12. My favorite hobby is…
  13. My favorite song is…
  14. I love reading…
  15. I think _____ is way more fun than _____.
  16. The last funny story I heard was…
  17. I found out the tooth fairy wasn't real when…
  18. In my free time, I like to…
  19. My favorite season is…
  20. For me, the perfect day starts with _____ and ends with _____.
  21. I am an avid reader of…
  22. My favorite country to visit is…
  23. My favorite sport is…
  24. My teenage years were…
  25. The first time I went to see a comedy show was…
  26. For work, my parents…
  27. I have ______ pairs of twins in my family.
  28. My favorite alcoholic drink is…
  29. My favorite podcast is…
  30. The best dish I can cook is…
  31. I was named after…
  32. My favorite vegetable is…
  33. Growing up, I moved ______ times.
  34. One food I've always been hesitant to try is…
  35. The first CD I ever owned was…

"Fun Facts About Me" That Go a Little Deeper

woman sitting at an outdoor table at a cafe with a man
Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock
  1. My favorite childhood memory is…
  2. My biggest fear is…
  3. The most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me is…
  4. The scariest moment I've ever experienced was…
  5. My most irrational fear is…
  6. The bravest thing I ever did was…
  7. I have a recurring dream where I…
  8. My earliest memory is…
  9. The last life lesson I learned was…
  10. I love photography because…
  11. The person I look up to most is…
  12. One of the items on my bucket list is…
  13. If I could spend the rest of my life ______, I would.
  14. I get stressed when…
  15. Something I want to be remembered for is…
  16. I once wrote a story about…
  17. Something I used to do every day that I could probably live without is…
  18. I am the ______ child in my family.
  19. When I was a kid I used to…
  20. My dream home would be…
  21. Something I wish I could improve on is…
  22. The worst injury I ever sustained was…
  23. I am the _____ one in my group of friends.
  24. My favorite time of day is…
  25. I used to volunteer for…
  26. If I were to win the lottery, I would…
  27. I'd love to take _____ out for coffee.
  28. If I could become rich doing _____, I would do it.
  29. On average, I sleep about ______ hours per night.
  30. Something I did as a kid that I still do as an adult is…

Crazy "Fun Facts About Me" From Reddit

woman laughing on couch while scrolling on her phone
  1. "I spent two years playing competitive Laser Tag in the late '90s."
  2. "I got hit by a metro bus."
  3. "When I was born I broke the hospital's 'Longest Baby' record."
  4. "My middle name is Thor."
  5. "I caught a narwhal off the coast of Norway."
  6. "I married the same person twice."
  7. "Ashton Kutcher stepped on my foot in a jewelry store in Georgia."
  8. "I'm 27 and I still have a baby tooth."
  9. "I have moles on my back in the shape of the little dipper."
  10. "I was trapped in quicksand for 6 hours as a teenager."
  11. "I have the shape of a perfect paw print in the iris of my left eye."
  12. "I am a fraternal twin born on a different day than my twin."
  13. "I broke my arm while chasing a squirrel."
  14. "I'm a certified advanced scuba diver."
  15. "I clown."
  16. "I am an award-winning Nunchuker."
  17. "My thumbs bend farther backward than forwards."
  18. "I can pick out a perfect watermelon every time."
  19. "I once nearly removed my ear with a VHS tape rental box."
  20. "I can balance a pool cue on my nose and on my foot but not at the same time."

Funny "Fun Facts About Me" to Share

two older women laughing over coffee
Yaroslav Astakhov/Shutterstock
  1. The most embarrassing story I have from high school is…
  2. My hidden talent is…
  3. My biggest guilty pleasure is…
  4. My favorite word to use is…
  5. My biggest pet peeve is…
  6. The worst first date I have ever been on…
  7. At home, I have a lifetime supply of…
  8. The most spontaneous thing I've ever done was…
  9. The weirdest thing I own is…
  10. My go-to comfort show is…
  11. If I had to be trapped in a movie or a video game for a day I would choose…
  12. Something I absolutely cannot live without is…
  13. To survive a zombie apocalypse, I would…
  14. If money were no object, I would buy…
  15. The craziest thing I ever saw on the news was…
  16. My favorite comfort food is…
  17. I do a great impersonation of…
  18. I know it's weird, but I love eating…
  19. When I was a teenager, I never told my parents that…
  20. Growing up, my parents always used to make me…
  21. If I could keep any animal as a pet I would choose…
  22. So far, the best thing about the 21st century is…
  23. If I could win an imaginary award right now, I'd probably receive the…
  24. If I had the ability to invent anything, I would create…

"Fun Facts About Me" for Kids

little kids sitting in a circle outside in a park sharing "fun facts about me"
  1. The scariest animal I've ever seen in real life is a….
  2. I'm very talented at…
  3. The first thing other kids notice about me is…
  4. The last meal I ate was….
  5. My favorite book is…
  6. I was born in…
  7. Something that makes me special is…
  8. My favorite thing to color with is…
  9. My favorite superhero is…
  10. My favorite teacher is…
  11. My favorite part of the day is…
  12. I want to learn more about…
  13. I have _______ siblings
  14. I have a pet named….
  15. My favorite toy is…
  16. If I could set a world record, It would be for…
  17. The funniest thing I've ever done is…
  18. The best thing Santa Claus has ever brought me was…

"Fun Facts About Me" for a Professional Setting

work team on a zoom call sharing 'fun facts about me'
Cabeca de Marmore/Shutterstock
  1. My dream job would involve…
  2. My most embarrassing moment at work was…
  3. My first job was…
  4. The most embarrassing job I ever worked was…
  5. My dream vacation is…
  6. My first-ever job was…
  7. The longest car ride I ever took was…
  8. In five years, I see myself…
  9. The worst job interview question I've ever gotten was…
  10. The qualities I look for in a hiring manager are…
  11. My favorite subject in school was…
  12. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a ______ when I grew up.
  13. The musical instrument I would most love to learn how to play is…
  14. Something that motivates me is…
  15. My favorite workplace memory is…
  16. Something that always helps me concentrate is…
  17. As a kid, the extracurriculars I enjoyed most were…
  18. My most prized possession is…
  19. This year, I would like to…
  20. If I wasn't working in this industry, I would probably be…
  21. If I could go back in time, the high school superlative I would have most loved to receive is…
  22. The nicest thing a teacher has ever said to me was…
  23. The best advice I ever received while on the job was…
  24. On my first day at a new job, I always make sure to…
  25. The project I'm most proud of is…
  26. One thing I really excel at is…

How to Answer "Tell Me a Fun Fact About Yourself" During a Job Interview

woman standing across table from woman and man, she's shaking the man's hand
Shift Drive/Shutterstock

Find creative ways to bring the answer back to the position you're applying for.

Relevance is always important in this context. Finding ways to tie in your past and personal experience is a great way to give yourself an edge on the competition.

Don't be self-deprecating.

Confidence is key, especially when it comes to your career. Stick to stories that show you in the best possible light. Let the interviewers know about your best qualities, especially if these are traits that align with your future goals.

Be honest.

Most of us are more interesting than we give ourselves credit for, which means there really is no reason to stretch the truth—even when we're attempting to impress. Besides, others can sniff out dishonesty more easily than we might think. Don't jeopardize the opportunity just for the sake of a good story.

Wrapping Up

That's it for our list of "fun facts about me," but be sure to check back with us soon for even more ways to break the ice!

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