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Bosch’s 2-in-1 Unlimited 7 Aqua review: Is this the double whammy cleaning solution every household needs?

Standard UK 2 days ago

No matter the size of your home, the prospect of covering its entire square footage with a hoover before promptly switching to a mop and starting the whole process again is something that any sane person dreads.

There’s a reason so many of us have a dedicated day to complete household chores, most commonly a Sunday, so that we can mentally prepare throughout the week for the arduous task of scrubbing, tidying and disinfecting our humble abodes.

What’s more, unless you’re lucky enough to have a dedicated, spacious airing cupboard, vacuums and mops are cumbersome appliances which tend to be difficult to store for the average city-dweller.

Even if you purchase a handy refill-and-go spray mop, propping both disinfecting and suctioning devices in a cupboard together becomes a balancing act akin to watching an amateur circus performer on stilts. As soon as the cupboard door opens, the handles of each appliance crisscross over one another and fall to the floor with a resounding, flinch-inducing thud. Every. Single. Time.

The purveyor of fine household appliances, I was immediately drawn to Bosch’s futuristic-looking cordless vacuum, which promises to hoover and mop simultaneously for squeaky clean flooring that you could almost catch your reflection in.

With dual scrubbing heads, a sleek space-saving appearance, a flexible design and the promise that it would take the elbow grease out of scrubbing the floors with a standard mop, I embarked on my testing journey.


Bosch’s Unlimited 7 Aqua is a 2-in-1 marvel that I’d wholeheartedly recommend to time-stretched households looking for a quick and powerful dual-action device which eliminates the need to clean twice. Though the RRP is £499, it’s a bargain considering you’re getting two motorised, highly effective appliances in one sleek, stylish and feather-light piece of kit.

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