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How Kenya’s President Ruto Williams Broke the Social Contract

Naija247news 2 days ago

x### Kenya’s President Faces Backlash Over Brutal Crackdown on Protests

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Kenya witnessed one of its deadliest days in recent history this Tuesday, with reports of around two dozen people killed amid protests against a proposed finance bill. The violent response by security forces under President William Ruto’s orders has sparked outrage both domestically and internationally, highlighting a severe breach of trust between the government and its citizens.

President Ruto initially labeled the protests as “treasonous” and sanctioned a harsh crackdown, deploying security forces armed with live ammunition. The demonstrators, predominantly young Kenyans, were advocating against a finance bill that would impose heavy taxes on basic necessities while allocating funds for lavish government expenses. The bill’s introduction ignited widespread discontent among the populace, particularly among the youth who feel betrayed by unfulfilled promises of economic prosperity.

The economic backdrop is dire, with Kenya burdened by substantial debt and facing economic policies that disproportionately affect the poorest. Nearly 70% of Kenya’s population is under 34 years old, grappling with high unemployment rates and disillusionment with the political elite perceived as self-serving and corrupt.

The protests, organized independently of traditional political structures, reflect a broader trend across Africa where disenchanted youth leverage social media to mobilize against economic inequities and political repression. Despite Ruto’s eventual retreat from signing the controversial bill, the damage to Kenya’s democracy and international reputation has been profound.

Critics, including civil society and religious groups, condemn the government’s violent response as a betrayal of democratic principles and a stark reminder of past controversies involving Ruto’s administration. His recent accolades from international allies like the United States as a “major non-NATO ally” are increasingly overshadowed by domestic unrest and accusations of prioritizing foreign interests over human rights.

As the international community watches closely, concerns mount over the Kenyan security forces’ conduct, both at home and during foreign missions like the deployment to Haiti. This dual role underscores broader anxieties about the misuse of security apparatus and potential implications for regional stability and human rights abroad.

The unfolding crisis in Kenya serves as a poignant example of the perils of economic policies that exacerbate inequality and undermine democratic governance. It calls for a concerted international effort to uphold human rights and support sustainable economic policies that prioritize the well-being of citizens over financial obligations to creditors.

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