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Horoscopes For The Week Of July 7, 2024

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BOSSIP Horoscopes: Week Of July 7

The new week is here and we’re back with a brand new set of horoscopes to help you plan for the week ahead by checking what the stars have in store!

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

Here’s another week of astrological forecasts, courtesy of our favorite — Psychic Zya.

Astro Overview:

This week the cosmos are pretty much chilling and letting this Neptune & Saturn Retrograde in Pisces heat up.

Remember these transits are great for building out spiritual practices, careers in the healing arts, doing abundance rituals and folks getting their karmic payback.

Do note that Venus enters Leo on 7/11 which will make us all feel more charming and want to be the belle of the ball.

To honor this transit don’t be afraid to get glammed up and head out with your friends and lovers.

Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store this week for your sign:

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Some of you are set to undergo a rapid spiritual expansion which will be triggered by a visit from a past foe/friend or lover and at the same time some of your ancient sacred gifts may spring up from your DNA memory. Sounds trippy? It is! But in a good way. You can help to ground these new energies into your emotional body by taking salt water baths, doing Root Chakra meditations and meditating sitting down and placing a piece of hematite crystal in your lap.

RED FLAG: If you have lingering tax debt issues, handle them asap as I see a possible garnishing of your finances which will cause major upheaval.

SWEET SPOT: Start tapping into the various Moon cycles and performing simple rituals under each cycle to see how it affects you intuitively and energetically.

Keep reading for more BOSSIP horoscopes!

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


How much do you yearn for a completely new life? If this resonates, then now is the time to start to plant the seeds for your future. Have you heard of scripting? This is a technique of writing to your future self and stating what you want from a future and current reality. Go down a YouTube rabbit hole to learn more.

RED FLAG: Remember that often when we want a new life, we have harsh closings and endings that are standing in our way to what we truly desire. So learn now to let go with grace.

SWEET SPOT: For those who are in home purchase mode, try your best to find a place near the ocean as this will prove to be beneficial in the long term both physically, emotionally and financially if you choose to sell.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

More signs ahead!

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Do you have a gratitude practice? It doesn’t have to be extensive but it’s important to help you speed up any manifestations waiting in the wings of your future self. Here’s an easy way to do this: during your morning getting ready routine, state out loud three simple but powerful things you’re grateful for. Start with: “I’m grateful for my breath!” Breathing is underrated but very much felt when we can’t do it with ease. So sit in gratitude with your breath.

RED FLAG: Have your home professionally checked for mold/household toxins and make sure all of your smoke alarms are up to date.

SWEET SPOT: If you find that you’re overworking, then plan micro-getaways every quarter so that you can reconnect deeply with yourself and your loved ones.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Have you been feeling like you’re having a hard time making decisions big and small lately? If so, it appears that you really aren’t listening to your inner compass and possibly taking advice from people who may secretly  hide jealous around your options and ambitions. Pay attention to how people support you both in actions, words and energy. In the meantime before going to bed at night, pray for inspiration and direction during your dreamtime.

RED FLAG: If you have travel plans this summer, be sure to beef up your insurance and be mindful while traveling of your whereabouts and any strangers you may meet along the way.

SWEET SPOT: If the desire comes up, it’s okay to indulge your sweet tooth this week – in moderation of course.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

More insights when you continue

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


A karmic path has opened up for you under this Saturn Retrograde transit. Many of you are set to step into your true divine power and you won’t even recognize yourself a year from now. The key to harnessing this brand new but pre-ordained magick will be deeply trusting your intuition and Spirit and just allowing yourself to be and stay and move in flow.

RED FLAG: Your diet may need to be addressed. Try not to overeat and brace yourself for possible new food allergies. By the early winter everything will be in balance if you just follow the change.

SWEET SPOT: Crafting a lucky talisman for yourself (or go full Taurean and purchase a nice piece) will provide you with protection and ease of way at this time. Try to leave it out under the next Full Moon overnight to soak up the Moon’s energy.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

Keep reading for more BOSSIP horoscopes.

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


You’re headed into a season of speedy manifestations and good luck! However, it will not come in super smooth because a lot of you are carrying dead weight in your mindset, your circle of friends and emotional body. Let’s release by doing Somatic body work exercises and deep diving into Shadow Journaling (look it up) on a daily basis. This is key for you to be able to process emotions that are subconsciously weighing you down.

RED FLAG: As always, don’t loan money you can’t afford to lose and please be honest with people when they ask you for funds as to why you’re hesitant to give it to them.

SWEET SPOT: How do you feel about psychic abilities? Under this Saturn/Neptune retrograde – many Gems will have these abilities brim all the way up. You up to the challenge?

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

The future is looking bright on the next page too!

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


If you’ve been going through a bit of a rough patch in a variety of areas of your life, just know that relief is on the horizon. What will help this to happen sooner is making sure that you speak your truth, stand on your boundaries and give yourself plenty of rest and self care.

RED FLAG: Friendships are a tricky dynamic. Spirit is asking you to take stock if you’ve been a good friend lately or have you been slacking? Remember to pour into those that pour into you.

SWEET SPOT: Refresh your work space with fresh flowers and a few memorabilia that bring happy memories and throw in a piece of Iron Pyrite for abundance and luck.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

Keep going for readings for the rest of the zodiac

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


In order to step in our highest divinity we have to accept our truest potential which means no longer hiding from your personal power. Now for most Leos the dynamic with self power is an interesting one. On one hand, Leos do enjoy being center stage and there’s a lot of power in that. On the other hand, Leos can deal with crippling insecurity – usually buried under expensive perfumes and labels. How do you feel upon reading this? If it puts you in your feelings – good– that means you’ve got some work to do. Meditate around this week under the Venus in Leo transit on the 11th.

RED FLAG: Don’t delay checking in on any wonky automobiles or home repair projects. Also make sure all insurance paperwork is up to date.

SWEET SPOT: Calling up old friends you’ve not seen in ages will do you both some good both emotionally and mentally.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

More BOSSIP horoscopes when you continue!

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Your good fortune is rooted in your ability to stay grounded and emotionally regulated while also leaving yourself and others enough room to learn from mistakes, to feel messy feelings and to laugh at the humanity of it all.
RED FLAG: Patience is a great virtue and something that Virgos have a lot of naturally. Don’t let anyone push you out of this superior personal attribute.
SWEET SPOT: Wearing lots of brass and copper jewelry will give you a boost of energy and generally heightened joy. Treat yourself to a few as the summer gets underway.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.
Hit the flip for more signs

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Feeling the need for major transformation from the inside out? Then you’re right on time with your next stage of consciousness growth. It’s important to not try to quickly pin down what’s “off.” It’s more important to feel your feelings and allow the (often prickly) journey of self-growth to unfold. To help provide deeper insight check out this book: The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer.

RED FLAG: If you ignore your divine feminine (i.e. your emotions and intuition) you may find yourself entangled in a bunch of wonky situations that could’ve been avoided if you had tapped in. (Read this again)

SWEET SPOT: It appears that a Soulmate relationship is on the horizon for you this summer. Be sure to activate this by being out and about and saying yes more often.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

More horoscopes on the flip

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Are you seeking to be in more affluent circles? Well now is the time to really focus on this, if that’s what you wish and to work strategically to place yourself in the right rooms. But remember, if you’re asking people to invest in you, then you need to have something to offer as well.

RED FLAG: If you’ve had a lot of company in your home recently or there’s been a lot of emotional upheaval, then now is the time for a Spiritual Cleanse. Mop your floors with ole fashioned pine-sol and place snake and cactus plants around your windows and doorways along with rose and clear quartz crystal.

SWEET SPOT: Your ancestors have been trying to get messages to you. Help them out by sleeping with a piece of Celestite under your pillow and Saging your bedroom before drifting off to sleep. This will allow you remember the messages they send you from the Astral realm while you’re sleeping.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

Continue for more readings

Bossip Horoscopes
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


How’s your shadow work going? For those who have actually been doing this, then you’re set for a nice streak of luck while Saturn is in retrograde. However if you haven’t then prepare for the universe to send you triggers which will force you to do so. Oy vey! This will also apply to those with Sag Moon, Mercury and Venus.

RED FLAG: Although meditation may be boring/tough — you would gain so much from doing more it right now. Make it fun for yourself and switch it up. Try meditative walks, baths and listening to meditation chakra balancing music while you sleep.

SWEET SPOT: Learning how to emotionally regulate with ease would serve you well for years to come. Check out the book: Mindsight by Daniel Siegel. It’s an easy to read and implement body of work.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

Have a great week, guys!


Zya Moses AKA Psychic Zya
Source: Courtesy / Psychic Zya

Zya is a globally recognized, professionally trained Psychic Medium currently residing in Miami. You can book a session with her at ASKZYA.com

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