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Constitutional Amendment to Remove Presidential Immunity

dailykos.com 2024/10/5

To put a stake in the ground opposing the ruinous decision made by the Supreme Court on presidential immunity, I created a petition seeking to amend the Constitution, explicitly making the president subject to all US laws, just like any other citizen. Immunity for that office would be specifically excluded.

A constitutional amendment is a long process and a very difficult way to implement change, but could help keep the corrupt SC and their horrible decisions in the public eye, as the bill is brought up and voted on, state by state.

Please consider voting for and share this petition to support an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that makes sure the President is subject to the same laws as any other citizen.


Amendment to the United States Constitution 

The occupant of the office of President of the United States is required to protect and uphold the Constitution. Accordingly, the President is subject to all the laws of these United States, just like any other citizen, without exception. In particular, this includes, but is not limited to, all laws concerning graft, corruption, theft, fraud, election interference, voter suppression, sedition and insurrection. The Constitution shall not be interpreted to confer any form of immunity on the office of the President, and no other provision of the Constitution shall be interpreted to supersede this amendment.


Please vote for this petition!

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