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Woman with rungu goes viral in anti tax protests

mpasho.co.ke 5 days ago

Tuesday July 2 marked another day of street protests in Nairobi CBD

anti tax protests july 1 courtesy Citizentv

Youths thronged the streets of Nairobi yesterday, in ongoing demonstrations to show solidarity for slain Kenyans in posters that have been widely shared.

In the crowds were individuals labelled as goons, who have caused mayhem, destroyed and stolen property from multiple businesses.

Several shop owners were alleged to have armed themselves to prevent looting.

A young lady who joined peaceful protestors, broke away from the crowd after noticing one thing.

One thing did not please her - goons. She took a break marching, wielding a rungu walking along Moi Avenue.

The young woman briefly spoke to a Kenyan who shared the video online, in the midst of protests.

"My name is Immaculate. At first I came out of my house coming here, knowing I'm coming here to protest, like my fellow youth who are protesting,"

"Now things have turned. Ask me why?"

She answers

"The goons have been sent. Everywhere! " she loudly exclaimed.


"Stealing from people. Snatching people's phones. We are here to deal with them. Deal with them first, then continue with our protest. "

"We are here to protect people's shops There are goons who've been sent, and we've . we just saw a video, " she continued.

Kenyans have vowed that despite the Finance Bill being withdrawn, protests will continue countrywide.

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