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"Project Dawn: Uncovering the Deadly Secret"

vocal.media 2024/10/5

"Vague of Misleading"

"Project Dawn: Uncovering the Deadly Secret"
Fons Heijnsbroek

Ahmed was on his way home, the cool evening air nipping at his face as he pulled the hood of his hoodie tighter around his head. The streets were quieter than usual, a stillness hanging in the air that made him uneasy.

As he turned the corner, the sudden crack of a gunshot shattered the silence. Ahmed froze, his heart pounding. Ahead, he saw a man stumble and fall to the ground. Blood pooled around the middle-aged man’s body, his eyes wide with shock and pain.

"Help me," the man gasped, his voice barely audible. Ahmed's eyes darted around, but the street was empty. He knelt beside the man, his hands shaking.

"I’ll call for help," Ahmed said, fumbling for his phone.

"No," the man whispered urgently. "No time. Take this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, wrapped package, shoving it into Ahmed's hands. "Keep it safe. Trust no one."

With those final words, the man’s eyes closed, and he took his last breath. Ahmed stood up, his mind racing. What had he just gotten himself into?

Sirens wailed in the distance. Panic surged through Ahmed as he stuffed the package into his hoodie pocket and ran. He didn’t stop until he was safely inside his apartment, bolting the door behind him. Breathing heavily, he pulled out the package and unwrapped it with trembling hands.

Inside was a small, intricately carved wooden box. He opened it to find a flash drive and a note. The note read: "The truth about Project Dawn. Expose it, or we are all doomed."

Project Dawn? Ahmed had never heard of it. He plugged the flash drive into his laptop, his curiosity overpowering his fear. As the files loaded, his eyes widened in horror. Documents, videos, and emails detailed a covert operation involving high-ranking officials and a dangerous bioweapon. The implications were staggering. This was why the man had been killed. This was what he had died to protect.

Ahmed's phone buzzed, a blocked number flashing on the screen. Hesitantly, he answered.

"We know you have the package," a menacing voice said. "Turn it over, and we’ll let you live."

Ahmed's blood ran cold. "Who are you?" he demanded.

"Someone who can make your life very difficult if you don't comply," the voice replied before the line went dead.

Heart racing, Ahmed knew he couldn’t trust the caller. He had to act fast. He copied the contents of the flash drive to his cloud storage and emailed it to several trusted friends with instructions to release it if anything happened to him. He then deleted the files from his laptop, hoping to buy himself some time.

There was a knock at his door. Ahmed's pulse quickened. He grabbed a kitchen knife and approached the door cautiously.

"Who is it?" he called out.

"Ahmed, it’s me, Tariq!" came the familiar voice of his neighbor.

Ahmed opened the door slightly, peeking out. Tariq’s worried face met his. "I saw what happened. Are you okay?"

Ahmed let him in, quickly explaining the situation. Tariq listened, his expression grave. "We need to get you out of here," he said. "They’ll be coming for you."

Together, they devised a plan. Tariq had connections in the local underground network, people who could help Ahmed disappear until the information was made public. They packed essentials, leaving behind anything that could be traced.

Under the cover of darkness, they slipped out of the apartment and navigated the labyrinth of alleys. Tariq led Ahmed to a safe house where he would lay low.

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