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No case filed against former Anambra Governor, Obiano – IPOB

apexnewsexclusive.com 3 days ago

Former Anambra Governor Willie Obiano

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has issued a statement distancing itself from a purported court case against former Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano.

IPOB’s leadership clarified that they did not institute any legal action against Obiano, contradicting earlier reports.

The group emphasized its focus on the Biafran struggle and denied any involvement in the alleged legal proceedings.

The Spokesperson for IPOB, Comrade Emma Powerful disclosed this on Wednesday, 26 June, 2024 in a press statement made available to our correspondent in Onitsha.

According to Comrade Powerful, “The noble family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by the great and indefatigable leader Mazi Nnamdi Okwu Kanu disassociate ourselves from the purported court case against the former Anambra State Governor, Chief Willy Obiano in the United State of America by the acclaimed IPOB members.

“The information of the purported lawsuit against Chief Willy Obiano came to IPOB as a surprise. Let it be on the record that IPOB leadership has not authorized anyone or group of persons to sue anyone in the USA.

“IPOB did not institute any court case against the former Governor. The proponents of the purported court case are not representing IPOB. The so-called court case was instituted by those who wish to rubbish IPOB’s name, DOS and the leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

“IPOB leadership and members in America are not aware of the plaintiff in the purported court case against Willy Obiano. IPOB cautions those pursuing their sinister agenda to stop impersonating IPOB.

“If they wish to take Chief Willy Obiano to court, they should do so with their names and desist from using IPOB’s name without authorization. IPOB is a disciplined institution that will not allow anyone or group of persons to use our name without authorization”, he said.

The statement further notes, “Therefore, IPOB demands that those that instituted the so-called case against Chief Willy Obiano without authorization to withdraw the purported case or have IPOB to contend with. If they have any case against Willy Obiano, they should do so with their individual names or group names.

“IPOB demands that the former Governor of Anambra State Chief Willy Obiano provide IPOB leadership with the names of the impersonator plaintiffs on the case if they fail to withdraw the case with IPOB as the plaintiff.

“It is most likely that the impersonators want monetary compensation from Chief Obiano. IPOB will not allow anyone or group to defraud with our hallowed name. IPOB members are under command and control and can not do anything without leadership authorization. The claimants in the USA court against Chief Willy Obiano are not representing IPOB.

“By this press release, we wish to inform the public, the USA Government and the USA Courts that IPOB did not institute any case against Chief Willy Obiano in any court USA.

“IPOB movement disassociates ourselves from any purported court case against Chief Willy Obiano in America”, Powerful noted.

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