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Can VPNs help during an internet outage?

pulse.ng 3 days ago

VPNs are commonly used to protect personal data, access region-restricted content, and maintain online privacy.

A detailed digital illustration of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) concept
A detailed digital illustration of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) concept

An internet outage occurs when there is a disruption in the internet service provided to a specific area or region.

These disruptions can be caused by various factors, including technical issues with the ISP (Internet Service Provider), network congestion, cyberattacks, natural disasters, or government-imposed restrictions.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN), on the other hand, is a service that encrypts your internet connection and hides your Internet Protocol (IP) address, providing a secure and private connection over the internet.

VPNs are commonly used to protect personal data, access region-restricted content, and maintain online privacy.

5G internet
5G internet

While VPNs can be highly effective in bypassing certain types of restrictions and censorship, they cannot provide internet access during a complete outage.

In cases where the government restricts access to certain websites or services, a VPN can help bypass these restrictions by routing your traffic through servers in other countries. However, this only works if the Internet is not completely shut down.

If your ISP blocks access to specific sites or services but the internet connection itself is active, a VPN can help you access these sites by masking your traffic and routing it through a different server.

VPNs require an active internet connection to function. During a complete internet outage, where there is no connectivity at all, a VPN cannot provide access to the internet or any online services.

If the internet outage is due to local network issues, such as damaged infrastructure or power outages affecting the network equipment, a VPN will not be able to resolve these physical connectivity problems.

If the primary internet connection is down, using mobile data (if available) can be an alternative. Once connected via mobile data, you can use a VPN to enhance privacy and bypass restrictions.

Satellite internet can be a reliable alternative during widespread terrestrial internet outages. Although more expensive and sometimes slower, it provides connectivity independent of local infrastructure.

A rendering of SpaceX's constellation of satellites for Starlink.Mark Handley/University College London
A rendering of SpaceX's constellation of satellites for Starlink.Mark Handley/University College London

If available, connecting to public Wi-Fi networks can provide temporary internet access. Using a VPN on public Wi-Fi is recommended to ensure your data remains secure.

In some communities, mesh networks can provide decentralised internet access. These networks rely on multiple interconnected devices to share and extend internet connectivity.

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