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FG’s dinner date with the devil

nationnewslead.com 2024/10/5

“DINNER tonight,” wrote the Sierra Leonean poet Gbanabom Hallowell as violence engulfed his country, “comes with/gun wounds.” The deserts is the stuff of horror, so the “desert tongues” of the populace “lick the vegetable/blood—the pepper/strong enough to push scorpions/up our heads.” Guests, wrote the poet, “look into the oceans of bowls/as vegetables die on their tongues.” That was a powerful presentation of the horrors of war, but often, as war approaches, the (wo)men of power think they are merely having a ball.  Across history, setting up a dinner date with demons has always been a terrible affair, but the entrapment comes in glorious colours.

The US rapper, Notorious B.I.G, recognized the power of entrapment, and his Mo Money Mo Problems, released posthumously in 1997, is packed with lines that proclaim that discovery: “I don’t know what they want from me/It’s like the more money we come across/The more problems we see.” B.I.G, every inch a giant, like a certain country abundantly blessed but criminally managed, died in a hail of bullets, one of which “entered through his right hip and struck his colon, liver, heart, and left lung before stopping in his left shoulder,” on that dark night on March 9, 1997. Sean Diddy Combs, the label owner featured prominently in that hit album, is currently submerged in legal troubles years after the dead and the living spoke in parables.

Because trouble often comes like a sweet breeze, Nigeria’s Federal Government is currently caressing a Trojan horse. It has endorsed the Samoa deal, an agreement hatched by Western criminals to destroy the final vestiges of sanity in human societies and robe the world in their dark cloak. The Samoa Agreement, named after the Pacific Island, Samoa, where it was signed on November 15, 2023, is replete with provisions legalizing LGBTQI madness, transgenderism, abortion, teen sexual abuse, and perversity. Previously, Nigeria had flatly rejected the EU-packaged deal, joined in that righteous dissent by 34 other countries. But of course, Europe brooks no dissent. Wrote Sonnie Ekwowusi, Chairman, Human & Constitutional Rights Committee, of the African Bar Association: “Frustrated by the refusal of these 35 countries to sign the Agreement, the European Union issued a significant threat dated November 24, 2023. According to the threat, which was issued in Brussels, any African, Caribbean, or Pacific country failing to sign the LGBT Agreement by January 1, 2024, when the Agreement is scheduled to come into force, will face dire consequences.”

Defending its decision, our FG spoke like a child. Bolaji Adebiyi, spokesman to the Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Atiku Bagudu, said the documents signed by the government were strictly for the economic development of Nigeria. Nowhere in the documents, he averred, was LGBTQ or same-s3x marriage mentioned even remotely, and it would be wrong for anyone to imply that Nigeria had accepted those tendencies. What Bagudu signed, he averred, “was in relation to the $150 billion trade component.”

Okay o. Article 2.5 of the deal states that: “The parties shall systematically promote a gender perspective and ensure that gender equality is mainstreamed across all policies.” And Article 29.5 guarantees “support [for] universal access to sexual and reproductive health commodities and health care services, including family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.” It is interesting that the FG wants to have the devil’s money but not his idea, whereas the only logical explanation for that money is the idea. Did the FG expect the West to strike in one day? As our people say: a child curses Iroko, then looks back. Does Oluwere kill in a day? Just how can you enter into a pact with the devil?  It’s like the little human waste on the edge of a plate of gbegiri; if the eye ignores it, will the heart?

Europe, like the rest of the world, was once a continent of ghosts and pirates, blood suckers and wizards. Go through the pages of Boewulf or The battle of Maldon and the essence of Europe sallies forth. Today, it is back in the warm embrace of demons. It sits atop the cosmic world which, according to the Yoruba, gives one a chicken to tend, but collects a child in return, relishing his blood on the altar of sacrifice. It is an insurance company that types slavery in small letters, so you can sign away your freedom with a smile.

The Western society’s dark range of humanity is far worse than the Houyhnhnms and yahoos of Jonathan Swift’s Gullivers Travels. These dark souls take dogs to bed and lie under horses, thoroughly inverting the natural order. They turn boys to girls and girls to boys, creating confusion in human flesh; a specie condemned perpetually to a life-time of drugs, and frequently committing suicide. Nature has refused to be mocked: former boys routinely win girls’ championships but former girls falter at boys’ championships. On this page, I once told the story of a wife who impregnated her husband in the UK. The wife used to be a man while the husband used to be a woman…

Make no mistake about it: white people, especially the woke version, hate other peoples with demonic passion. They only want to mould all societies in their rotten image. Our FG, blinded by its dollar lust, thinks all it has endorsed is an economic pact, but as they say in Nigerian Pidgin, its eyes go soon clear.  As we speak, two Nigerian properties located in the United Kingdom are on the verge of being taken over by a Chinese investor following an order granting the investor the right to enforce a $70 million investment treaty award against Nigeria. If those far behind the West in demonology can pull off this kind of stunt, who is going to stop the Wild West when it strikes?

France did not say it would invade the Ivorian presidential palace when it proposed a post-colonial treaty with Cote d’Ivoire allowing its troops to remain on Ivorian soil long after independence, but we all remember what it did when it gave cover to rebel soldiers and flushed out Laurent Gbogbo. Neither did the colonial despots who coerced African kings into endorsing devious treaties tell anyone that they had come to steal, kill and destroy.

As I wrote in The onslaught on Uganda (April 29, 2023): “Western countries cannot cease pursuing an Africa recreated in their own image.” I have seen no evidence to challenge my view that “Euro-America still retains its sense of cultural superiority over Africa.”

When the serpent speaks, he says: ‘Just a little, just a little my king,’ and before you know it, he has taken over your space. Proverbs to the blind people with good eyes.

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