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NSG and TUT to Sign MOU for Postgraduate Diploma in Public Affairs and African Governance

devdiscourse.com 2 days ago

The NSG's mission is to build and locate the strategic and operational capabilities of public service education and training within the State.

NSG and TUT to Sign MOU for Postgraduate Diploma in Public Affairs and African Governance
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The National School of Government (NSG) and the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today to align, accredit, register, and deliver a groundbreaking Postgraduate Diploma in Public Affairs and African Governance, a first of its kind on the African continent.

This innovative programme aims to strengthen governance across Africa and professionalize public servants in partner countries. It seeks to bridge the gap between undergraduate and postgraduate education opportunities in member countries, offering a regionally recognized qualification.

The conceptualization and design of this diploma align with the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, which aims to implement developmental programmes and realize the aspiration for good governance in Africa.

The NSG's mission is to build and locate the strategic and operational capabilities of public service education and training within the State. Established by a presidential proclamation on 21 October 2013, the NSG replaced the Public Administration Leadership and Management Academy (PALAMA) and became a national government department under the Minister of Public Service and Administration.

The NSG's work has been further enhanced by the government's decision to prioritize building a capable, ethical, and developmental state, as outlined in the 2019-2024 Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). The NSG provides training across all levels of government, from the cadet and foundation phase to middle and senior management, as well as executive management.

Its expanded mandate includes training Directors-General, Deputy Directors-General, and political office-bearers, with a focus on building expertise in economic governance, political oversight, and accountability.

The partnership between NSG and TUT is expected to significantly contribute to the professionalization of public service across Africa, enhancing governance and aligning with the continent's developmental goals.

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