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Ruth David Loses Another Defamation Case Against Journalist

Leadership 2024/7/4

The Federal Capital Territory (FCT) High Court sitting in Maitama, Abuja, has quashed the defamation suit filed against the publisher and managing editor of Best Choice Sports, Mr Amaechi  Agbo by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF)’s head of international, Miss Ruth David.

The alleged defamation case filed December 12, 2019 by Ms David against fearlesss sports journalist Agbo was finally laid to rest on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 by Justice O. A Adeniyi.

The presiding Justice O. A Adeniyi averred that the claimant failed to prove her case of defamation and therefore dismissed the suit for lack of merit.

LEADERSHIP Sports recall that this is not the first time Miss Ruth David is losing a defamation case against Abuja-based Journalists. On March 6, 2023, Ms David also lost a similar case against BSN Sports’ publisher, Niyi Busari.

Speaking to journalists after the judgement, defendant’s lead counsel, Barrister Nnaemeka Eias Duhu, described the judgement as a triumph for rule of law and press freedom

He said the ruling has laid to rest the litigation that has lasted for five years except the claimant opts for an appeal.

“The judgment of the FCT High Court sitting in Maitama that finally laid to rest Suit No. CV/546/2019 Between: Ruth David v. Amaechi Agbo is a welcome development and a big win for the rule of law, freedom of expression and of course, press freedom.

“As a lawyer and an officer in the temple of justice, I am highly elated by the pronouncement of my Lord, which firmly upheld the trite position of the law that in a defamation suit, it is not the claimant’s opinion about the alleged defamatory publication that matters, but the opinion of a third party who, as a witness before the court, agrees that an alleged defamatory publication is indeed, defamatory.

“The Claimant did not satisfy the law and His Lordship, in his wisdom and in line with the law, agreed with the defence that the suit lacked merit.

“By this dismissal, the matter is now Res judicata, meaning that it is settled once and for all, except of course if the claimant decides to appeal the judgment.

“In any case, five years of battle in court over this matter has come to an end, for now and it is something good for the journalism profession and for all of us as free citizens of Nigeria.

“It is gratifying to, once again, say, without any fear of contradiction, that the court indeed, is the last hope for the common man,” Barrister Duhu said.

Reacting to the  judgement, the Publisher/Managing Editor of Best Choice Sports, Mr Amaechi Agbo said that the ruling was victory for fearless journalism and sports reportage in the country.

“This is victory for fearless sports reportage and free journalism in Nigeria particularly the FCT where the media have become an endangered species with regular frivolous lawsuits such as this. I am very elated and must appreciate my lawyer, Barr Nnaemeka Elias Duhu of Bulwark Law Partners, 3rd Floor, Federal Mortgage Bank Building, 13 Ikeja Street, off Oyo Street, Area 2, Garki Abuja for his doggedness in this fight  He is a resolute, fearless, thorough and intelligent lawyer.

“This judgement will rekindle my resolute determination to continue to practice my profession as is ethically and professionally permissible. This is a victory against unprovoked intimidation, reoccurring legal harassment against journalists and an untamed campaign against the media,” Mr Agbo said.

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