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Scientists Put a Camera In a Coffin For Research. When They Turned It On, They Burst Into Tears! –

lagosreporters.com 3 days ago

When two scientists put a camera inside the coffin of a young girl for research purposes, they expected to learn information that would help them advance the field of forensic anthropology. However, when they turned it on after the burial, they saw something that made them burst into tears.

Dr. Charlotte Carter stood at the forefront of forensic science in the United States at the FBI’s Body Farm, officially known as the Forensic Anthropology Center. Researchers placed donated bodies in different environments, such as wooded areas, shallow graves, and open fields, to observe the effects of weather, insects, and scavengers on dead bodies. The data collected helps forensic experts estimate the time of death in real criminal investigations. This groundbreaking work aids law enforcement agencies worldwide and makes significant contributions to forensic anthropology…Click Here To Continue Reading>> …Click Here To Continue Reading>> READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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