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To re-order society

anglicanmainstream.org 2 days ago

A New Government. No one seriously thinks that a change of the political party in government is going to make a meaningful difference in the life of the British people, any more than a change of politicians in the USA, Germany or the Netherlands. The main result of elections is to effect the occasional swap amongst the political class governing us. For most of the people it doesn’t matter which party wins, it is always the establishment who hold power. There may be marginal differences in the strength of the currency or the provision of welfare, but things will go on pretty much as usual with the decline of the West, and especially the UK, gathering pace.

Why Decline? The disorder and lack of hope in British public life and society derives from more than a sense of loss of empire and world significance bringing about an acceptance of our descent into mediocrity. It is caused by more than a lack of leadership in politics, industry, academia and the church. The disorder in British public life derives from disorder within the British soul. We have lost meaning and direction in life.

If our enemies had attempted to destroy Britain they could not have done much better than the UK’s political and ecclesiastical class for the last 25 years. The resulting combination of economic industrial stagnation and uncontrolled immigration and rampant woke ideology, with an abandonment of our spiritual underpinning, could not have been better designed if political and social instability was the conscious intention.

Rejection of Power Holders Labour may well win the biggest majority ever, but it is not because we have fallen in love with Labour, rather that we have rejected the centre-right party without any transfer of affection for the left. The Conservatives, spiritually and intellectually exhausted by a suicidal commitment to a failed liberal ideology, have advanced the cause of their political opponents and alienated their instinctive supporters. Luxury beliefs like open borders and transgender rights might play well at north London dinner parties and in media editorial rooms, but they cut no ice with those who have to live with the results. As Labour propaganda told us, ‘It’s time for change’, and people grasp at change, even if the change probably means worse.

Be Sceptical What is the Christian to do within this social cultural collapse? We must first take care about where we look for answers. The Bible is explicit about the folly of placing trust in the powerful, thinking that they will solve the problems facing us. Psalm 146:3 warns clearly: ‘Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.’ In a fallen world, it is foolhardy to put our trust in other fallen men and women in the hope that they are going to provide the answers we need.

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