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Burundi: As the elections approach, civic space remains dire for CSOs and journalists

civicus.org 2024/10/4

Statement at the 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

ITEM 4: Interactive Dialogue on oral update of Special Rapporteur on Burundi

Delivered by Sigrid Lipott, CIVICUS

Mr President.

CIVICUS and independent Burundian civil society organisations welcome the important work of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Burundi.

The human rights situation in Burundi has continued to deteriorate.  Despite some positive signs, the environment remains very hostile for journalists. Many Burundian journalists continue to go into exile, and a culture of fear has developed, leading to self-censorship and reprisals against political dissidents, media professionals and civil society organisations. Those who tried to return were silenced or harassed, including Floriane Irangabiye, who is still serving a 10-year prison sentence for "undermining the internal security of the national territory".

The suppression of civil society, based on a 2017 law on foreign non-governmental organisations that is incompatible with the state's human rights obligations, continues to restrict the work of CSOs in Burundi. The activities of anti-corruption activists and human rights defenders have been limited by numerous restrictions that include impediments to their independence, harassment, intimidation and reprisals against civil society actors, while members of the CNDD-FDD, the Imbonerakure or the National Intelligence Service continue with impunity to commit human rights violations in order to prevent the dissemination of information deemed "sensitive" by the authorities.

On the eve of the elections, we urge the Burundian authorities to fully respect human rights standards relating to freedom of expression and association, to release human rights defenders in detention, and to create a safe and conducive environment for journalists to work, free from intimidation and reprisals. We call on the government of Burundi to review and amend the laws on the media and non-profit organisations to bring them into line with international standards.

We thank you.

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