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Dealing With Divorce

bewiseprof.com 2024/10/5
Dealing With Divorce

When things go wrong in a marriage, one of the hardest things to do is figure out how to get through a divorce. Most people see a divorce as something messy and complicated; however, with the right information and the right attitude, you can get through a divorce and come out stronger. 

Whether you are going for a no-blame divorce or there are other reasons, there are steps you should take to protect yourself during this time. Not only finding a good lawyer to help you manage the legal side of a divorce agreement and settlement but to protect your future, too. 

Protect Yourself

Regardless of whether you want a divorce or not, you will have a lot of mixed emotions about it and about the person you will soon be divorced from. Many people assume that the person who wants a divorce will not feel sad about it; this is not always correct. 

If you find you are struggling with the divorce or feelings you have about your ex-partner, speaking with a therapist could help you. 

Not only would this help get your emotions to avoid making things harder, but you may be able to learn some techniques to help you manage how you are feeling. Therapy can also help you place boundaries for your future relationship. 

You will not always need to have a relationship with your ex-partner; however, if you have children, this will be unavoidable. Therefore, learning boundaries and managing your emotions will help you and your children. 


Finances in a divorce can be the hardest part to figure out, especially if you have assets such as a house. If you were the main earner or looking at getting a promotion after the fact, there is something you can look into that would help protect your finances. 

A clean break financial order can help you with your finances after a divorce. In a clean break financial order, you would split everything you have at the time of your divorce and then seek an agreement from your ex-partner. 

In this agreement, you can be financially independent from your ex once the divorce is finalized. A clean break financial order would not affect any children; you would still be liable to support your children but not your ex-partner. 

However, you would have protection for large purchases or increases in wages you may get from your ex and allow you to be free financially. 

You may not consider protecting your finances at the start of a divorce, especially if things seem civil. However, if you do not seek a clean break financial order, you may be liable to contribute to your ex until they remarry. 

Even if you do not see any way having this could protect you, it is worth bearing in mind that if you had a windfall of luck and won some money or inherited money, this would be protected if you had this order, and it would not be if you did not.


As much as things can seem bleak in the depths of a divorce, there are ways to protect yourself financially and emotionally. Financial protection is not something many people consider during a divorce. Still, it could help if you find yourself with a large inheritance after a divorce while paying spousal support.

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