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How To Use AI To Optimize Customer Experiences

Forbes 1 day ago
Very Positive Feedback. Amazing Customer Experience (CX).
Man pressing a very positive feedback button. Concept of an amazing customer experience (CX). Composite image between a hand photography and a 3D background.getty

The advent of generative AI isn’t just changing the way businesses operate. It’s changing the nature of competition between small businesses and established giants in their industries.

As professors Oguz A. Acar and Andrés Gvirtz from the business school at King’s College London wrote in The Harvard Business Review, “The times are changing. Generative AI is arming smaller companies with once unattainable capabilities, which, if used strategically, may make the playing field more level.” Shopify President Harley Finkelstein is among the business leaders who share this assessment.

Small business owners are realizing it, and looking to take strategic steps to tap into the opportunities afforded by AI. Two recent surveys show how quickly this understanding is spreading. One such poll from the Bipartisan Policy Center and Morning Consult found that “significant progress in connecting small business owners to AI has occurred over the last two years.”

In fact, 83% of small business owners who use AI are finding it helpful. More than half say it has positively impacted business growth. Perhaps most significantly, according to the bipartisan polling data, 56% say that over the next two years, they expect AI to help them compete with larger organizations for business and sales.

Meanwhile, in a GoDaddy survey of small business owners, 68% said they believe that Generative AI tools specifically “will level the playing field,” allowing them to compete against larger businesses.

This should be a wakeup call not only to startups and other small businesses everywhere, but also to enterprises. After all, the competition goes both ways.

Seeing the threat, some large companies have been investing in AI. Working to be at the forefront of this new technology is a necessity since, for incumbents, “The best defense Is offense,” Bain & Company notes via the company blog. The most successful enterprises “reject the legacy mindset, effectively monitor emerging business threats, invest in a clear R&D and M&A strategy, and fearlessly disrupt themselves,” the global management consulting firm says.

The latest State of Generative AI in the Enterprise Quarter report from Deloitte found that these companies recognize they have a long way to go as well. “The percentage of organizations reporting they were already achieving their expected benefits to a ‘large’ or ‘very large’ extent is 18%–36%, depending on the type of benefit being pursued,” it says.

A big part of the challenge is that businesses aren’t sure where to focus first. With AI tools offering to automate so many tasks across virtually all business functions, leaders have to make strategic choices. Working with businesses of all sizes, I see what they need to make a top priority: using AI to optimize the customer experience.

Transforming CXM

For businesses today, nothing is more important than delivering customers the best experience possible. Chris Reaburn, Nextiva’s chief of strategic execution, explained this in a blog post. “As competition intensifies, you must take a proactive approach to defining the playbook for your team to boost customer satisfaction and retention. That’s where successful customer experience management (CXM) comes into play. It acts as a map, guiding business owners through every detail of their customers’ journeys.”

Generative AI can make the customer experience more frictionless than ever. This effort starts with using AI-powered tools to build a unified communications solution, pulling together every interaction that anyone in the company has had with each customer across every platform.

When all this information is synthesized, Generative AI tools can draw insights from it. These tools can also advise the company on the next step to take, such as what to say to a customer or an offer to make, based on what’s most likely to work.

I tell business leaders that customers today don’t compare companies to each other; they compare companies to the best experiences they’ve ever had. Customers understandably have very little tolerance for clunky or slow interactions, having to repeat information, or not getting the answers they seek.

By using AI to achieve this kind of mass personalization at scale, businesses can replace traditional CRM (customer relationship management) systems. These were originally designed for static channels — that is, channels that don’t update or personalize.

What was unimaginable in previous generations is now literally available at our fingertips. Organizations that use AI to transform the customer experience will have the edge over their competitors — no matter how long those competitors have dominated the market.

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