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4 Zodiac Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era Starting With Moon Opposite Pluto Beginning July 8

yourtango.com 2024/10/5

This transit calls for growth and deep metamorphosis.

woman and moon opposite pluto entering fortunate era july 8
Howen via Unsplash / Lisaabeth Studio, claudiodivizia, sickmoose and Blixa 6 Studios via Canva

On July 8, 2024, the Moon in Leo will make an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, sending four zodiac signs into a more fortunate era. This transit calls for growth and a deep metamorphosis, especially for fixed signs Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. 

The energy now will bring emotional awareness, which can sometimes be uncomfortable. But challenging transits promote a period of personal growth. These signs will uncover a lot about themselves and see how their upbringing has also impacted who they are today. 

The transit will also transform each of their respective angular houses. To those who do the work, they will be able to plant seeds that will help them expand in these respective areas.

4 zodiac signs enter a more fortunate era starting with Moon opposite Pluto beginning July 8

1. Leo

leo fortunate era horoscope july 8
Solobird and Sylwia Design / Canva

The Moon is in your sign and with the opposition to Pluto, it is your moment to continue the personal evolution. The themes from Saturn’s transit in Aquarius will echo briefly for the next several days.

This transit encourages you to accept the changes happening in your relationship house. If you are in a committed relationship, this can bring you closer to understanding your partner's needs. Single Leos will also benefit because the transit allows you to be adamant about what you want in a relationship, embracing a diplomatic attitude while also respecting your needs and boundaries. 

You can expect your career to feel the activation of this transit, as well as relationships and home.

2. Scorpio

scorpio fortunate era horoscope july 8
Solobird and Sylwia Design / Canva

The Moon will be at the highest point in your chart making an opposition to Pluto, suggesting a period of others witnessing your emotional energy. It may be a time when you can feel challenged in finding that emotional safety you desire. Nevertheless, you are here to continue evolving to discover your potency. 

Moon opposite Pluto can be an emotional but healing transit, prompting you to rid yourself of negative emotions — especially those connected with your dreams or career. This is a time to focus on you and remind yourself that you are the only competition. You cannot compare yourself to others. 

Celebrate your victories and continue to work hard for what you want because you will experience bountiful successes in the long run.

3. Aquarius

aquarius fortunate era horoscope july 8
Solobird and Sylwia Design / Canva

Having Pluto in your sign has already activated the transformation within you for over a year. The lessons connected with the Moon opposite Pluto will center around your relationships. You are learning how to balance this energy, but the lessons will be easy since you already experienced the Saturn in Aquarius playbook. 

Now is your time to remind yourself of what you want in a relationship, how you are doing the best to make it work and whether you are comfortable with emotional vulnerability. Although you are fiercely independent, the vulnerability of this transit can make you second guess how much you share. But having a friend or partner to confide in can help you release the hurt and alleviate some of the pain. 

Emotions are not necessarily a sign of weakness — they also showcase someone’s power.

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4. Taurus

taurus fortunate era horoscope july 8
Solobird and Sylwia Design / Canva

Moon in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius is a meaningful transit that impacts both the highest and lowest parts of your chart. The Moon in Leo will show you that self-care is essential if you plan to continue on this trajectory. The more you focus on success, the more you will see the results flourish. Nevertheless, you also have to give the same energy to your work. It is important not to give more to one side than the other because the balance of power will tip. 

The Moon here will also show you the need to stay connected with your emotions and look back at your relationship with your maternal figures to see how that has shaped who you are. It is a transit that encourages you to learn to re-parent yourself while also becoming aware of your own might.

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