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Headline: “Three Boko Haram Fighters Surrender in Operation Lake Sanity II”

mothercloudnews.com.ng 4 days ago

Three Boko Haram insurgents have surrendered to Multinational Joint Task Force troops in Cameroon and Nigeria as part of Operation Lake Sanity II. In Cameroon’s Sector 1, Rawagana Mustapha, 18, and Mustapha Ali, 20, turned themselves in at Wulgo. In Nigeria’s Sector 3, Ibrahim Malam, 28, surrendered to the 403 Amphibious Brigade in Baga after six years as a Boko Haram fighter in Kwaleram, south of Lake Chad. This development was announced by Lieutenant Colonel Abubakar Abdullahi, Chief Military Public Information Officer at MNJTF Headquarters in Ndjamena, Chad.

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