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Here's a happy midnight thought I had, to keep us all up at night.

dailykos.com 2024/10/5

Sorry. I don’t normally hold with this kind of four alarm clickbait. I’m sure I’m not the first person to think this. Reposted from my account at bluesky,

 which by the way I’m finding excellent right now for signal-to-noise content and general quality of poster/postings.


Here's a happy midnight thought I had, to keep you all up at night.That Heritage Foundation head, the one who gloated we're in the Second Revolution and it'd be bloodless if the left just submits?He means SCOTUS will hand the election to Trump even if we win.

They'll litigate whatever stupid Trumped up result they decide to challenge. They'll bring it before the court, the way they did last time. And this time, he thinks, confidently, they'll rule in Trump's favor. Bloodless coup. If we don't fight back.Hope I'm wrong.Sleep tight.

From another bluesky poster who gave me permission to repost her quote here:

They don't need anything more than for R's to demand an investigation of voter fraud to be completed before certain electoral votes are counted, running out the clock until certification.With Alito and Thomas nearing retirement, it would guarantee their replacements are on the same team, too.


For good measure, I’m SURE it’s in multiple diaries already, but tell your friends! Especially any journalist friends! Or friends of friends! 

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