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13 tips you should know to survive wild animal attacks

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Tips to know to survive wild animals

13 tips you should know to survive wild animal attacks

Several wild animals can be harmful or even deadly to humans. If you look at the statistics, you might be scared that sharks only kill six people annually despite their notoriously exaggerated reputation; wolves kill ten people annually; lions kill twenty-two people annually; and now get ready—elephants—cute, beautiful giants account for over 500 fatalities annually. In this terrifying rivalry, hippopotamuses are on par with crocodiles, who kill approximately 1,000 people a year. However, the victor is the snake, which kills 100,000 people. This reptile will help you be ready for any eventuality 13 ways that will save your life if you have such an unpleasant encounter

Number 13 sharks The good news is that only 20 of the 150 species of sharks that exist on Earth attack people. The bad news is that if a shark becomes interested in you, it will be difficult to escape. Try not to attract sharks by keeping blood or urine out of the water; sharks can smell these substances from a distance of several miles away. If you do come into direct contact with a predator, don't turn around or flee in a panic because you will appear to be prey. Instead, move slowly and aim for the eyes and gills if you have been caught aim at the eyes and gills these zones are the most sensitive

number 12 Unexpectedly, kangaroos can be dangerous to people. However, this will only occur if you enter their territory and they sense your presence. To prevent a confrontation, cough quietly and briefly. If you do this, the kangaroos will likely assume you have a disease and won't attack. Instead, you should back away slowly, making yourself appear smaller and less terrifying. Because kangaroos are expert jumpers, don't turn away and flee; doing so will just agitate the animal, which will quickly pursue you.

number 11 lions Talk to the lion in a reasonably loud and confident voice. Make sounds and gestures that aren't typical for a victim. By doing this, you will confuse the predator and make it think that you are an annoying presence that is best avoided. If you have encountered a lion, maintain eye contact. Turning your back or moving your eyes away will give the predator the opportunity to attack. Try to look more massive to create such an impression. Lift your arms and jack them up. If you look big and threaten the animal, try to avoid the encounter.

number 10 Elephants Elephants are intelligent and generally amiable creatures, but they have a reputation for attacking humans. This is particularly true of female elephant mothers, who may feel that you pose a threat to their young. If you encounter an elephant, observe their body language; if their trunk is coiled and their ears are drawn back, it indicates that they intend to crush you. If the elephant gets too close, don't flee; instead, try to find a stone or tree to act as a barrier between you and the animal.

No9 rhinoceroses It is very difficult to outrun a rhinoceros, but it is still possible. The only way to get away from a rhinoceros is to hide behind a tree, which presents a significant obstacle and keeps the animal from following you through bushes or tall grass. Rhinos have terrible vision, which makes it easy to frighten and provoke them to attack.

number 8 hippocampuses Although these creatures may appear adorable, their appearance is deceptive; hippopotamuses are capable of running 18.5 miles per hour in spite of their weight, and they are not without flaws. It is also simple to enrage them. The hippos hide in the tall grass during dry spells, so if it's hot outside, stay away from the bushes. Instead, climb a tree or a steep hill and wait for the water to subside.

number 7 Bulls If a bull is charging at you, stay upright and continue to use your hat, t-shirt, or other available clothing as bait. When the animal gets close enough, throw the object as far away from you as you can, and the bull will follow it. This is contrary to the popular belief that bulls react to movement rather than red or any other color.

number 6Jellyfish An intense, persistent ache is caused by a jellyfish burn. Some people think that urinating on the burned area will make it go away, but this is just an urban myth. After the burn, wash the area with salt water; using fresh water will make things worse. Next, use tweezers or a stick to remove the remaining pieces of the jellyfish. If you have antihistamine cream, apply it to the affected area.

number 5 either crocodiles or alligators. The eyes and throat of these creatures are their most sensitive spots, so hitting them there will make them release you. The jaws of these animals are the toughest on the earth, so if you manage to break free, it won't be easy. The best course of action in this particular scenario is to run and yell. If you see the predator creeping toward you on the ground, make as much noise as you can and flee in a zigzag pattern. Avoid making noise or yelling at a crocodile while swimming to avoid drawing unwelcome attention. Instead, keep your distance and go on.

number 4 snakes If you notice a snake following you, stomp your feet; this will confuse it and let you go. If you have been bitten, don't try to extract the poison from the wound like they do in the movies; instead, wash the bite with running water, apply a tourniquet, and call for emergency help. Most snakes are not poisonous or dangerous, but people still get 80 percent of their bites while trying to catch them.

number 3 bears Bears seldom attack humans, but it can still happen if you are in the wrong location at the wrong moment, so you should be aware of a few behavioral guidelines. Try not to run, because if you do, a bear will follow you at least instinctively. They can reach speeds of up to thirty miles per hour. Instead, drop to the ground, curl up into a ball, cover your neck with your hands, and act as though you are dead. This will make you appear less dangerous to the bear, who may throw you around for a while. Don't panic and continue acting dead for a little while longer, even if it leaves you alone because these smart animals often stay around and watch their prey

number 2 gorillas gorilas: Appropriately dubbed the "kings of the jungle," gorillas are alpha males that guard their territory and offspring. If you behave submissively, they won't attack you. Instead, you should sit down to make yourself appear smaller and avoid towering over other gorillas. Gorillas are proud animals who typically won't harm the weak and vulnerable. If you feel threatened, try to whisper and avoid making direct eye contact. If you get close, curl up into a ball.

number1 bees Bees will defend their hive, so even if you are just passing by, they may bite. Because dark colors draw bees' attention, wearing a black t-shirt increases your risk of getting stung by bees. If a hive of bees, or even a few of them, are following you, hide somewhere dark; inadequate lighting will confuse the insects. Although we hope you never have to escape our rhinoceros, swim away from a crocodile, or encounter a hungry lion, you will now be able to defend yourself in the wild.

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