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Foundation Trains Over 1000 Teenagers On Tech Skills

Independent 2 days ago

Over one thousand students from different post primary schools across Lagos State metropolis have been trained on tech skills that would enhance their contribution towards the nations tech advancement.

The event which held at the University of Lagos, came under theme, ”Tech beyond boarders; empowering tomorrow technology innovators’’. It brought together students between the ages of 13 and 19 years from both public and private schools.

Speaking at the occasion, Kosi Okonkwo, convener of the event as well as the founder of Teen Tech Foundation, explained that the annual event aimed to advocate quality education through tech skill acquisition.

Explaining further, Okonkwo said: “The main goal of Teen Tech conference is to raise mentally strong self-aware and highly skilled teenagers, recognising their significant contribution to the growth of the Nigerian economy .

“As part of their empowerment and education, the event aimed to address the pressing need for technology adoption among teenagers.

“The ultimate vision is to cultivate a generation of strong willed teenage leaders who are well equipped for the technological advancement of their nation”.

Emphasising the need to encourage young ones to acquire tech skills, she said it would enable them become aware of the country’s challenges so as to actively seek solutions, there by contributing to the advancement of the economy.

To her, the annual event would also decrease unemployment rates and create appointments for teens both locally and internationally, adding “ even as they transit into adulthood, the event strives to secure a brighter future for both the teenagers and the nation at large’.

On the need for the young ones to concentrate on the positive use of technology, Okonkwo said: “ in Western countries, like the United States, Russia, Germany, You can see teenagers inventing programmes that are useful to mankind, we need such in Nigeria. If our youths are exposed to opportunities in technology, the future of the country will be great.”

She described teenage stage as a crucial period, adding that parents should be careful in handling their teenagers.

In her words: “If you look around us, the age range between 13 -19 years which we actually call the adolescent age, is almost one of the most difficult ages of live.

“At this point, teenagers are facing identity issues, they are coming out from childhood and they are being introduced to adolescent.

“During this period, they also face a lot of peer pressure, parents should not at this point see them as violent or useless. At this stage, they need a strong hand, love, guardian, so they will be able to overcome pressure associated with that stage.’’

Enoch Afolabi, Head of Growth for Maringa School who spoke at the event taught the participants on how to identify and develop relevant tech skills.

Afolabi also educated the teenagers on how to identify problem as well as to proffer solution to such problems.

In his words: “ Teenagers who are interested in acquiring tech skills should give themselves to the process of solving problems, by so doing they will go through self-discovery, and eventually solve the problem, they would become better individuals who have learnt how to identify problems and how to solve such challenges as well’’.

On the other hand, he advised parents and guardians to be conversant with information technology so as to monitor what their children do on the internet.

Ogunleye Jaspser, one of the participants who spoke at the event, described the training as an eye opener, adding that he learnt new ways to apply what he had already known.

He advised fellow youths to ensure they pursue technology for a right purpose, and added that they should abstain from hacking in to other peoples account as well as other fraudulent activities.

Acknowledging that challenges are abound in learning tech skills, he advised that they should be determined, consistent and dedicated to what they do.

Dr. Adaora Dagogo, who spoke earlier lauded the organisers of the conference, saying that it would go a long way in transforming the lives of the participants.

Also, she advised youths to abstain from get rich quick syndrome and added that there is no short cut to acquiring genuine wealth than hard work and determination.

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