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Clean yellow pillow stains using 3 ‘tried and tested’ home staples – no need for bleach

nytimespost.com 2 days ago

Pillows are easy to overlook for anyone washing their bedsheets or covers, but they are incredibly important to clean otherwise they will begin to smell or turn yellow. 

Over time pillows can acclimate too much bacteria, saliva and sweat which will stain the pillow and make it more difficult to whiten again. 

In the summer this build-up is more likely to occur as people tend to sweat more plus there is more pollen in the air, making pillows even dirtier and germ-ridden. 

However, David Smith, a laundry expert from Down and Feather has shared there is a simple way to get “fresh clean pillows” and remove yellow stains. 

He said: “There are a few tried and true methods that can help reduce or eliminate yellow stains from your pillows and pillowcases, and plenty of them can be accomplished with everyday household staples!”  

How to remove yellow stains from pillows 

It may seem obvious to try and whiten pillows with bleach, but it is actually one of the worst products to wash laundry as it can cause a strong chemical reaction that can break down fibres and teat the fabric. 

Bleach is not very effective at removing fabric stains, but there are safer and more natural items that are better to use – and you likely already have them sitting in your kitchen cupboard. 

Lemon juice 

It may seem strange but lemon juice contains citric acid, which is a natural bleaching agent due to its acidic nature which can help dissolve and loosen stains. 

All you have to do is make a paste using lemon juice and baking soda and spot-clean the pillow using a sponge to work the solution into the fabric before placing it on a normal wash. 

David said: “Create a paste using lemon juice and baking soda, then gently rub it onto the yellow stains. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly and allowing the pillow to dry.” 

Baking soda is one of the best products to neutralise odours and is also mildly abrasive, so can help easily lift stains if you rub at the fabric. 

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is extremely effective at removing organic stains such as sweat, saliva and even food splatters as it is an oxidising agent which can break down pigment in stains.

Clean the stained pillow with hydrogen peroxide, then leave to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before blotting the stained area with a sponge to aboard the solution and loosen the stain. 

David said: “Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Dab the solution onto the stained areas, let it sit for a few minutes, and then rinse with water. 

“Make sure to test a small, hidden area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the fabric.” 


One of the best ways to remove stains from white bedding in the summer is to let it dry outside on a light as the ultraviolet in sunlight can naturally disinfect and lighten stains. 

David said: “Sunlight can help naturally bleach and freshen pillows. After spot treating or washing, hang the pillows in direct sunlight to dry. 

“Rotate them occasionally for even exposure and ensure they are completely dry before using them again.” 

Once you take your pillows off the line they should be white, fresh and clean again to ensure you get a comfortable night’s sleep. 

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