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10 Best Green Lantern Comics in History, Ranked

screenrant.com 2 days ago
10 Best Green Lantern Comics in History, Ranked


  • The Green Lantern franchise has seen many iconic stories and characters throughout its history. Here are some of the most notable and highly praised Green Lantern stories.
  • Green Lantern: Rebirth (2005) - Created by Geoff Johns and Ethan Van Sciver, this story brought Hal Jordan back as the Green Lantern and set the stage for a new era of the character.
  • Green Lantern Corps: Recharge (2005) - Created by Geoff Johns and Dave Gibbons, this story introduced new Green Lanterns and laid the groundwork for the future of the Green Lantern Corps.

The Green Lantern franchise is one of the wildest and often, most creative parts of the entire DC Universe. Over the years, there have been dozens of talented people have contributed to the mythos and helped shape its unique identity.

Green Lantern is more than just a man with a magical Power Ring. Green Lantern is an identity that’s been adopted by several amazing heroes featured in sci-fi stories, epic superhero adventures, and even contemplative looks at society. There’s a lot of amazing Green Lantern stories, but for those who need a little help, Screen Rant has assembled the 10 best stories featuring the Emerald Knight.

10 Emerald Twilight (1994)

Created by Ron Marz, Bill Willingham

Hal Jordan as Parallax from Emerald Twilight

Torn apart by anger and grief after the destruction of Coast City, Hal Jordan falls from grace and turns against his beloved Green Lantern Corps in a mad attempt to bring his hometown back. “Emerald Twilight” was a tragic, yet gripping story that upended the status quo for years. Not only did it turn a beloved hero into the villainous Parallax and also paved the way for a new Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner.

"This arc gets a lot of hate - understandably so, it turns everyone's favorite Green Lantern into a homicidal maniac - but love for Hal Jordan aside, it's certainly the boldest direction DC may have ever gone. The hero always wins at the end of these stories, so what happens when the hero suddenly becomes an unstoppable villain? It's a fascinating prospect that makes for exciting, unpredictable storytelling while introducing a hero for a new generation of Lantern fans - Kyle Rayner. " - Joe Myrick, Comics Writer

9 The Green Lantern (2019)

Created by Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp

Comic book legend Grant Morrison teamed up with visual master Liam Sharp to produce one of the most interesting takes on the Green Lantern mythos in a post-Geoff Johns era. Hal Jordan travels from case to case, all across multiverse as he takes down criminals, fights back against conspiracies, and takes powerful cosmic threats head-on. Composed of two volumes and a interquel miniseries, this series is for Green Lantern fans who want pure cosmic fun.

“The Green Lantern and its follow-up series are quite fun stories. This is an incredibly multifaceted run. One minute you’re reading a police procedural set in space. The next you’re reading a pure fantasy sword and sorcery book. Morrison and Sharp are a fantastic team that really embrace all parts of the Green Lantern franchise and they let loose in the best way possible in this unique and often meta story.” - Justin Epps, Comics Writer

8 Green Lanterns (2016)

Sam Humphries, Tim Seeley, Dan Jurgens, Carlo Barberi, Ed Benes, Ronan Cliquet, Eduardo Pansica, Robson Rocha, Mike Perkins

Green Lanterns Rebirth Comic

The during the New 52, the Green Lantern corner of the DC Universe grew a bit bigger with the introduction of Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. DC Rebirth provided an opportunity for fans to get to know these two intimately in Green Lanterns. Baz and Crew undergo a trial by fire and the result is a fan-favorite run that helped popularize and make readers connect with these two beloved rookie Green Lantern Corps members.

“DC Comics made a solid choice giving Simon and Jess their own book. They could have easily gotten lost had they just been side characters in the complimentary Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps book. Instead, we got to see an amazing bond grow between these two. It was a crucial series that helped put bring the newest Green Lanterns on the same level as their predecessors.” - Justin Epps, Comics Writer

7 Far Sector (2019)

Created by N. K. Jemisin, Jamal Campbell

N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell went above and beyond in their Young Animal story Far Sector, which introduced the modern fan-favorite Green Lantern Sojourner ‘Jo’ Mullein. Jo is assigned to investigate a murder in a city, the first one to occur in half a millennium. The Green Lantern is drawn into a mystery full of twists and turns and winds up in the middle of a war between a city’s leaders and its citizens.

“The Young Animal imprint took a lot of big swings and none of them paid of better than Far Sector. The introduction of Jo Mullein was a welcome one, but beyond introducing an amazing and badass character like her, Far Sector’s strength lies in being a pound-for-pound solid murder mystery that delightfully incorporates sci-fi. It’s a fantastic modern Green Lantern story that is absolutely perfect for new and curious readers.” - Justin Epps, Comics Writer

6 DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore (2006)

Created by Alan Moore, Bill Willingham, Curt Swan, Joe Orlando, Jim Baikie, Murphy Anderson, Jim Aparo, Joe Staton, Rick Veitch, George Pérez, Bruce Patterson, Gil Kane, John Byrne, Kevin O'Neill, Rick Magyar, Al Williamson, Brian Bolland, George Freeman, Dave Gibbons, Klaus Janson, Kurt Schaffenberger, Paris Cullins, Terry Austin

Abin Sur Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual DC

DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore collects several of Moore’s works, including his work with Green Lantern. “Tygers” takes a contemplative look at Hal Jordan’s predecessor, Abin Sur. “In Blackest Night” sees Katma Tui branching out to recruit the first member of the F-Sharp Bell Corps. And “Mogo Doesn’t Socialize” examines some of the most curious members of the Green Lantern Corps like sentient math equations or smallpox viruses.

“Even though they constitute 24 pages, Alan Moore crafted some of the most innovative Green Lantern stories. “In Blackest Night” introduced the concept of a Green Lantern in a galaxy where there is no light, while the dark “Tygers” told of a prophecy that laid the groundwork for the 2009 crossover Blackest Night. Yet the best story of them all just might be “Mogo Doesn’t Socialize,” the story that revealed Green Lanterns come in all shapes and sizes… including sentient planets.” - Nathan Cabaniss, Comics Writer

5 Green Lantern Corps: Recharge (2005)

Created by Geoff Johns, Dave Gibbons, Patrick Gleason

Green Lantern Recharge Kyle and Guy Charging Rings

Bringing back Hal Jordan was only one half of the equation in the big Green Lantern revival in the mid ‘00s. Green Lantern Corps: Recharge really got things going by having Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner to step up as over 7000 new officers are recruited into the latest Green Lantern Corps. Just as Green Lantern: Rebirth helped set the stage for Hal Jordan, this story lays the groundwork for the rest of DC’s Lanterns.

“Hal Jordan got the spotlight in the main Green Lantern book at the time. But this book makes sure the rest of the Corps isn’t left behind. This book also introduced Soranik Natu, someone who’d play a huge role in the follow-up Green Lantern Corps ongoing. With Kyle and Guy playing the lead roles here, this book is a great buddy comedy that also doubles as a powerful opening chapter for what lies ahead.” - Justin Epps, Comics Writer

4 Green Lantern: Secret Origin (2008)

Created by Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis

Just a few years into his run, Geoff Johns teamed up with Ivan Reis and went back to where it all began in the “Secret Origin” arc of Green Lantern. Hal Jordan gets the opportunity of a lifetime when an alien crash lands on Earth. But when a monster begins skulking around looking to bring Hell on Earth, Jordan is forced to team up with his predecessor’s best friend and Green Lantern’s future nemesis, Sinestro.

“A high point of Geoff Johns’ lauded run on Green Lantern, ‘Secret Origin’ is a pitch-perfect introduction for Hal Jordan - and the entire Green Lantern mythos - that redefines the Emerald Guardian’s early days. Planting seeds for years’ worth of storytelling while paying homage to the legends that came before, this is one of the Green Lantern’s defining sagas of the modern age and one of DC’s best origin stories.” - Tristan Benns, Comics Writer

3 Green Lantern: Rebirth (2005)

Created by Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver

Geoff Johns’ legendary run on Green Lantern starts here with a story that brings Hal Jordan back into the spotlight. All across the world, strange events are happening. Coast City is suddenly restored and an ominous warning reveals that Parallax is returning. Hal Jordan’s life turns on its head as secrets about his darkest days are finally revealed, all resulting in Jordan finally returning to his old role as the Green Lantern.

“Geoff Johns’ lauded run hits the ground running in ‘Green Lantern: Rebirth’. Not only does this story swing for the fences and bring Hal Jordan back as the DC Universe’s leading Emerald Knight, it ushered in one of the most beloved periods in Green Lantern history. This story gives a second chance to a fan-favorite hero and sets him on a course that would define Green Lantern for an entire generation of comic book readers.” - Justin Epps, Comics Writer

2 Sinestro Corps War (2007)

Created by Geoff Johns, Dave Gibbons, Peter Tomasi, Ron Marz, Alan Burnett, Ethan Van Sciver; Ivan Reis Penciller, Patrick Gleason

Having mastered fear, Sinestro branches out and founds a Corps of his own to finally take down the organization that turned its back on him. The Green Lanterns come under fire as Sinestro recruits thousands of monstrous aliens to fight in his name. Sinestro even teams up with powerful threats like Cyborg Superman, Superboy-Prime, and the Anti-Monitor to finally bring the DC Universe under his heel and finally prove that fear trumps willpower.

“Green Lantern and Sinestro’s antagonistic relationship reaches its apex in a nail-biting and drama-heavy war. Between gripping action sequences and compelling character arcs, “Sinestro Corps War” is an event that not only stands out as one of the best storylines in Geoff Johns’ Green Lantern epic, but one of DC Comics’ best events period. It’s a modern classic that helped put Hal Jordan’s nemesis on the map of greatest DC Universe super-villains.” - Justin Epps, Comics Writer

1 Green Lantern/Green Arrow: Hard-Traveling Heroes (1983)

Created by Dennis O'Neil, Neal Adams

The iconic team of Denny O’Neill and Neal Adams take Green Lantern to a new level in the “Hard-Traveling Heroes” arc. After realizing the world needs more than just superheroes fighting colorful villains, Hal joins his friend Green Arrow to take a real, honest look at the world. It’s an informative journey that sees Green Lantern come to terms with the real plights humanity faces and the need for true social justice.

"Green Lantern faced the social ills of the 1970s in Denny O’Neill and Neal Adams’ Hard Traveling Heroes. Accompanied by Green Arrow, Hal Jordan went on a cross-country odyssey where they were more apt to fight corrupt landlords than Hector Hammond or Sinestro. Along the way, one of comics’ greatest “bromances” was born. Introducing a new level of realism to comics, Hard Traveling Heroes ranks as one of Green Lantern’s finest hours." - Shaun Corley, Comics Writer

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