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'We'll stay here": Bonanza Gift Shop owners are in it for the long haul

theunion.com 3 days ago
Eugene and Sintao Heung said they still meet people in the grocery store and other public locations who ask them how they are doing. One thing the two want to be known: they are here, have no plans of going anywhere, and are still operating the Bonanza Gift Shop after 42 years.
Sintao Heung displays the award she and her husband Eugene won in 2002 from the Rotary of Nevada City and the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce for Business Persons of the Year. The Heungs still operate the Bonanza Gift Shop, located in the lower half of the parking lot at 321 Broad Street in Nevada City.
The aisles of Bonanza Gift Shop are full of everything from dishes to jewelry to novelty items. Owners Sintao and Eugene Heung said their most popular selling merchandise is dishes and candy.
Bonanza Gift Shop is still going strong after 42 years at the corner of Spring Street. Through the years, owners Sintao and Eugene Heung have sold the market of the same name on Broad Street and concentrated on the gift portion, which was constructed 10 years after the grocery store.
The walls and aisles of Bonanza Gift Shop are colorful and plentiful with things like flags, wind chimes, hand-held fans, and other such items.

Eugene and Sintao Heung, owners of the Bonanza Gift Shop in Nevada City have but one message for the community: “We’re still alive.”

The Heungs have owned the building that houses Bonanza Market and the adjacent Gift Shop for over 50 years; in fact, this last Tuesday, July 2, marked the anniversary of the opening of their Broad Street market; ten years later the gift shop would follow.

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