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Eziowelle Community Elects New Executive

Independent 4 days ago

AWKA – Despite court injunctions and social media attacks orchestrated by some people in Eziowelle community to thwart the town union election, the civic centre was filled to capacity at the weekend as the branches of Ezio­welle Improvement Union (EIU) in the country trooped out en masse to elect new officers.

The EIU election which produced Dr. Julian Obiora as the new Presi­dent-General of Eziowelle Improve­ment Union (EIU) was adjudged to be the most credible and most transpar­ent election ever held in the Eziowelle community.

Although there were threats of disrupting the EIU election by some people who didn’t want the election to hold but the immediate past Pres­ident-General, Barr. Titus Nnabuike Akpudo, who had been weathering the storms, surmounted the machi­nations of his antagonists insisting that the Eziowelle community must make milestones especially as it con­cerned the conduct of the election.

The EIU election which was wit­nessed by the Transition Committee Chairman of Idemili-North Local Government Area, Hon. Stanley Nkwoka, ASATU members, repre­sentative of the Local Government Commissioner Hon. Tony Collins Nwabunwanne (Ife Anam) and a host of other very important personali­ties, was a testimony that Eziowelle is a peace-loving community blessed with both human and natural re­sources.

The new President-General of EIU Dr. Julian Obiora who spoke to Dai­ly Independent shortly he election, said he has the task of uniting and reconciling his people to ensure that Eziowelle moved forward.

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