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Narcissistic Strings

vocal.media 2 days ago

Empathetic Passiveness

Narcissistic Strings
Shane Devlin

what does this string do, he smugly asked, as he tugged it even harder

her smile broadened, though her eyes were dark and sad

oh, I see, he grinned with glee, as his hands pulled at another

contorting and controlling how she laughed

his eyebrows raised, his pupils narrowed, he’d never had this kind of power

she sat motionless , responding only to his touch

he pulled the strings making her gasp, though she could not resist or cower

as he, bit by bit, destroyed her in his clutch

a single tear ran down her cheek, he could not control those deep emotions

he collected them in a crystal vase, and with the others, dropped them in the ocean

when those that knew her once, saw her again, they could not believe the notion

he had altered her beyond repair leaving her tangled in his commotion

I’m sorry she cried, that I let you down. I did my best to help him change

he pulled them out, pitched them on the ground. we won’t these now, he smiled and said, she’s a puppet without strings

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