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'Stranger's rude six-word outburst made me feel awful – he refused to apologise'

Mirror Online 2024/10/6

A woman was left feeling rubbish for the rest of her day after a stranger's six-word outburst – and the reason he lost his temper had to do with walking around a puddle

The woman was shocked at the man's outburst (Stock Image)

We all make mistakes – and in the grand scheme of things, the little things we do wrong day to day don't actually mean that much to our wider lives.

But when a woman and a man found themselves both trying to get around a puddle, the man's aggressive six-word outburst left the woman feeling awful for the rest of the day, questioning why he thought he had the right to speak to her in that way.

She explained that she "was walking back from the shops this morning" and she "swerved to avoid a puddle on one side", but there was "another walker approaching" her on the other side.

Taking to Mumsnet, she explained that while she was doing this, she was pretty much "neck and neck" with a man who "told her off" because she had to walk in front of him.

The woman "apologised", saying that she "hadn't meant to but wanted to avoid the puddle and the other guy." His response horrified her. First, he said: "Avoid me!" but his next six words left her reeling for the rest of the day.

He said: "Get out of my f**king way" to the woman, and she wrote in her post: "I know this is a tiny thing in the grand scheme of things but it upset me. I've never ever had this. It was like road rage, but between walkers."

She continued: "I understand I shouldn't have been in his way and walked in front of him and changed direction, but I explained why I did it and I didn't deserve for him to speak to me so rudely. I said to him that he'd been very rude and he just strode off without saying anything.

"Obviously, he thinks he's completely in the right, and maybe he's also having a bad day, but it gives him no right at all to speak to me like that."

In the comments, people reassured the woman that even if she had done something "wrong", it gave him no right to speak to her in such a way. "I mean you could have simply waited until he had passed to avoid the puddle rather than veering in front of him but absolutely no need for such aggression - especially after you had apologised. I'd have told him to f*** off", someone wrote.

Another said: "He's a p***k. His reaction had nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. Most people would have laughed that off. Sorry that happened to you. Just think how much it sucks to be him going around angry like that all the time! Your day has to get better now, try not to dwell on it, accept the feelings and move on."

One Mumsnetter stood up for the man, however, writing: "Poor guy said the quiet part loud, I've been there but thankfully without the swearing. It's really annoying when someone gets in your way."

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