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Perfectly Imperfect

vocal.media 2 days ago

and that's just fine

I saw your figure beneath the shining moonlight

Your hair sparked and eyes bright

Your hands reached up and grabbed a star

Oh how I wished I could be where you are

As if hearing my feeble plea your eyes met mine

Face so angelic, words could not define

You took your other hand reached into your mind

Pull out your imperfections and laid them on the line

I took out a knife and carved out my heart

The minute the pieces met my hand it instantly fell apart

You were suddenly in front of me, star in hand

You pressed my hands together and I felt my heart mend

Your mouth opened yet no words stumbled out of the soft cave

A melody instead is what you gave

A story of heartache and pain flowed on the surface

But beneath that lies its true purpose

Hope spilled out of the song

It flowed into my eyes though it did not stay there long

Drip by drip tear by tear

I felt my soul lighten as you neared

You lift my hands and guided them back to my chest

The string organ no longer suppressed

Eyes closed as your lips met mine

Something kindred, old yet new, but so divine

As my eyes opened you were no longer there

I looked to the stars and saw your face appear

Before I could sadden for even a bit

I felt a tug on my heart that ebbed the darkness away and kept me lit

As I followed the string to see where it ended

I realized it connected to hearts that needed to be mended

Imperfections still laid on the line

Only now they connected with mine

We are both perfectly imperfect and I think for the first time

That's perfectly fine

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